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17.07.2013 - 22:40
Hello peoples!

I have started playing this game a few days ago, and rather enjoying it. just recently got to rank 4 and forced out of the kiddie pool. Now that i am in the big kids pool....I find myself drowning often early game. I play MoS, and during the early game, if there are other people starting near me, usually within the same continent, most of the time i usually get creamed. Europe is a prime example; everything is so close, and often find my capital being taken out by turn ten, if not within a few turns of the start. At first I started to land grab, which left me open, then i tried to defend myself while attacking their capital, and just in general how no idea what to do. so if anyone could help with how to win early game, I would really appreciate it, thanks.
17.07.2013 - 22:48
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Some tips:

  • If you're playing 10k or less games, it may be hard to open with MoS because you may lack the units. Experiment with other strategies.
  • Focus on taking fewer countries with more units, that way your expansion doesn't get hijacked by a stacking opponent.
  • If you aren't already doing so, make sure to wall your capital first turn and then as often as possible after.
  • Join a clan, more experienced players will be glad to help you out.
  • If you don't want to join a clan, just pm me or any other high ranked player in game. Chances are that person will help you with your expansion.
  • ----
    The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
    17.07.2013 - 22:57
    MoS - like SM, NC and HW - are strategies that require lots of funding, which means lots of cash to start and/or lots of income derived from expansion. If you are stuck in a continent with some other players, then confrontation will be very soon and these strategies will have some disadvantages in relation other strats like GW, PD, RA, GC, etc. Furthermore, I do not recommend MoS for European contexts (the closeness of targets does not necessaryly favor the stealth-based strats) nor the use of SM, with the exception of some countries and 15k+ settings and NO opponents in neighbouring countries.

    For middle and end game phases MoS and SM may have some advantages, specially in WGs.
    17.07.2013 - 23:26
    Location location location.

    You shouldn't use MOS in a Europe/Europe+ game unless there is 15k and you really know how to use the strategy effectively.

    Besides that, practice walling places you take or are looking forward to take. Often times your enemy will take a wild guess as to what you want and send enough to over power you there- hence if you wall it then *hopefully* they are stuck there.

    I'd follow all the other advice given here. Especially advice regarding a clan. Clans are a great experience.
    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    17.07.2013 - 23:26
    Tarafından yazıldı Guest, 17.07.2013 at 23:18

    Tarafından yazıldı Columna Durruti, 17.07.2013 at 22:57

    SM may have "some advantages", specially in WGs.

    17.07.2013 - 23:35
    So, more or less dont use MoS in Europe. well makes sense I guess. I will just have to stay away from there since I enjoy playing MoS. what about when your fighting nearby guys in other continents, such as asia/NA?

    as for walling, I am using that more and more. but I have a question, if you setup a wall the same turn that the enemy attacks your city, will they always bypass the wall, or is it chance based?
    17.07.2013 - 23:43
    They will always bypass wall. In the best case scenario you manage to wall enemy troops in your city. In the worst scenario, enemy takes your city and destroys all the troops (resulting in NO wall).
    Like said before, if you are using MoS (likewise for SM, NC, HW, etc.), make sure you have expanded well to obtain the needed funds for financing your expensive troops. MoS and SM are excellent strats for WGs in its middle and end game phases (usually when the "continental confrontations" occurr).

    Would like to poit out the most relevant issue brought up by Acqui: join a clan for further developmento of your game skills and read some forum posts on strategies. TopHats has some really good contributions; other players aswell.
    17.07.2013 - 23:48
    Tarafından yazıldı vildar87, 17.07.2013 at 23:35

    So, more or less dont use MoS in Europe. well makes sense I guess. I will just have to stay away from there since I enjoy playing MoS. what about when your fighting nearby guys in other continents, such as asia/NA?

    as for walling, I am using that more and more. but I have a question, if you setup a wall the same turn that the enemy attacks your city, will they always bypass the wall, or is it chance based?

    I've always understood it as who makes what move first.

    So let's say Germany vs. UK. UK is sending bombers to TB your main stack in berlin (lord knows why it would be in berlin but let's just play hypothetical). So, let's say you wall berlin 2 seconds before UK bombs it. You walled Berlin, but UK still sent bombers. The wall was not blocked. However, if you didn't move your stack out of berlin either before the wall or before UK bombed berlin then the stack was bombed.

    Again, it's who makes the first move, and who makes the right move.

    Now, they can still bypass your wall. High ranks in particular are experienced at messing up walls like no tomorrow. It's as easy as putting a unit barely outside the city you walled. So, walling is no guarantee. However, it presents a much greater chance at victory.

    As for what you said early-

    You don't have to stop playing in Europe

    Europe is a fun place to battle with people because it is close quarters. How you manage your units and funds while still having to fight on multiple fronts is a reflection of a good strategy game. You would just have to find alternatives.

    By the way, I had sort of the problem you did. I got my butt whooped by anybody. All it takes is practice, and you might lose a lot before you win. Which is fine. Making mistakes is part of the learning process.
    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    17.07.2013 - 23:49
    Hmm all right, so wall early, and often.

    as far as reading goes, yeah I have been reading the forums, which is what turned me onto MoS.

    havnt looked into a clan at all, will need to take a look at some
    17.07.2013 - 23:52
    If you wish to continue using MoS, focus your upgrades on the ones that enhance your MoS strat (related to marines, subs capacity, etc.).
    18.07.2013 - 12:17
    Tarafından yazıldı Columna Durruti, 17.07.2013 at 23:52

    If you wish to continue using MoS, focus your upgrades on the ones that enhance your MoS strat (related to marines, subs capacity, etc.).

    yeah thats a good idea. not too familiar with the upgrades, which would you suggest would be good to get for MoS?
    18.07.2013 - 17:03
    Tarafından yazıldı Dr Lecter, 17.07.2013 at 23:48

    I've always understood it as who makes what move first.

    So let's say Germany vs. UK. UK is sending bombers to TB your main stack in berlin (lord knows why it would be in berlin but let's just play hypothetical). So, let's say you wall berlin 2 seconds before UK bombs it. You walled Berlin, but UK still sent bombers. The wall was not blocked. However, if you didn't move your stack out of berlin either before the wall or before UK bombed berlin then the stack was bombed.

    Again, it's who makes the first move, and who makes the right move.

    Now, they can still bypass your wall. High ranks in particular are experienced at messing up walls like no tomorrow. It's as easy as putting a unit barely outside the city you walled. So, walling is no guarantee. However, it presents a much greater chance at victory.

    As for what you said early-

    You don't have to stop playing in Europe

    Europe is a fun place to battle with people because it is close quarters. How you manage your units and funds while still having to fight on multiple fronts is a reflection of a good strategy game. You would just have to find alternatives.

    By the way, I had sort of the problem you did. I got my butt whooped by anybody. All it takes is practice, and you might lose a lot before you win. Which is fine. Making mistakes is part of the learning process.

    the way your talking about it, it sounds as if moves are played out in real time, instead of turn based. doesn't it work where everyone ques up their commands, then at the end of the turn the commands take effect, so that it wouldn't matter if you wall off at the beginning of the turn, or just before the timer runs out?

    as far as the upgrades, thanks, i will look to see how much those cost and save up.
    18.07.2013 - 17:46
    Tarafından yazıldı vildar87, 18.07.2013 at 17:03

    Tarafından yazıldı Dr Lecter, 17.07.2013 at 23:48

    I've always understood it as who makes what move first.

    So let's say Germany vs. UK. UK is sending bombers to TB your main stack in berlin (lord knows why it would be in berlin but let's just play hypothetical). So, let's say you wall berlin 2 seconds before UK bombs it. You walled Berlin, but UK still sent bombers. The wall was not blocked. However, if you didn't move your stack out of berlin either before the wall or before UK bombed berlin then the stack was bombed.

    Again, it's who makes the first move, and who makes the right move.

    Now, they can still bypass your wall. High ranks in particular are experienced at messing up walls like no tomorrow. It's as easy as putting a unit barely outside the city you walled. So, walling is no guarantee. However, it presents a much greater chance at victory.

    As for what you said early-

    You don't have to stop playing in Europe

    Europe is a fun place to battle with people because it is close quarters. How you manage your units and funds while still having to fight on multiple fronts is a reflection of a good strategy game. You would just have to find alternatives.

    By the way, I had sort of the problem you did. I got my butt whooped by anybody. All it takes is practice, and you might lose a lot before you win. Which is fine. Making mistakes is part of the learning process.

    the way your talking about it, it sounds as if moves are played out in real time, instead of turn based. doesn't it work where everyone ques up their commands, then at the end of the turn the commands take effect, so that it wouldn't matter if you wall off at the beginning of the turn, or just before the timer runs out?

    as far as the upgrades, thanks, i will look to see how much those cost and save up.

    It can still be turn based. It's just who makes the first move within that turn.

    That's how I see* it. You'd have to ask the developers to actually understand how it really works.
    It only makes sense, the way I explained- since for the past year and a half that is exactly what I observed.

    Like TBs for example. If you move a transport before it has the chance to be bombed, then it avoids being bombed.
    It could be based on commands- let's say that each individual player is running x,y,z commands in a turn. So is every other individual player. All of these commands could be submitted and calculated before the start of the next turn. Overlapping commands are still ran with, using elements already offered in the system.

    All in all, I have only an idea of what it is.
    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    18.07.2013 - 19:04
    From what I remember reading in the faq, in regards to TB, each unit used to tb gets a 10% chance to tb the stack you want, up to a max of 50%
    18.07.2013 - 19:24
    Oh. Right, that is the updated system.

    My mind's stuck in the past (>_<).

    yeah so 1 bomber vs. liek 10 infantry = bad chance yo.

    that's the current system. Stupid a'f but whatever.
    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    18.07.2013 - 20:24
    At the end of the turn, it's the order in which commands are given that is important - the time at which the commands were issued is not relevant. So, for example, your first move has more chance of of avoiding a turnblock than your second move.
    18.07.2013 - 22:44
    Tarafından yazıldı Grimm, 18.07.2013 at 20:24

    At the end of the turn, it's the order in which commands are given that is important - the time at which the commands were issued is not relevant. So, for example, your first move has more chance of of avoiding a turnblock than your second move.

    aah, all right. that makes some sense then...thanks for that, will have to plan my moves better
    19.07.2013 - 02:58
    What makes MoS strong is world games is that subs/stealth are great when attacking players across oceans. But in reality you probably want to get the Guerrilla Warfare strat and start using that instead.

    A lot of the game is about income which translates into an army. The problem for u as a rank 4 is you aren't going to be able to compete with the better players for the prime real estate. Europe is usually going to be heavily fought over, so is Asia. USA sometimes.

    Think the gameplan for you at this stage might be to start playing GW in a cheaper area like South America or Nigeria in Africa or Saudi Arabia in the Middle East and the forge some alliances with better players. After getting Increased Naval Transport Capacity save your SP for faster and cheaper marines.

    This advice is games that start with 10 or 15k. 15 or 50k games use MoS and hopefully you won't run out of $$ before you take some rich countries.
    He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
    19.07.2013 - 11:05
    To add to what thunderballs says:

    GW is a very awesome strategy >:D I use it all the time. I recommend if you're going to get it, you might as well play games as frequently as possible.

    You might not win each game at first, but eventually you'll learn from your mistakes.
    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    19.07.2013 - 14:44
    Hmm, haven't bought GW, but i can give it a try. by the looks of it, it is just massing militia?
    19.07.2013 - 18:06
    And again (firefox deleted my text because i "logged out")

    here the vids:

    recorded 10k without extra cities (for the most beginners here)




    and sk

    i know, this moves arent "perfect" but its enough to beat an average lvl 7 (with 22k sp)
    "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
    19.07.2013 - 18:40
    Tarafından yazıldı Lemonade, 19.07.2013 at 18:06

    i know, this moves arent "perfect" but its enough to beat an average lvl 7 (with 22k sp)

    um...wow. thanks a lot for all of this, definitely going to go through and analyze all the vids, should help a lot!
    20.07.2013 - 18:21
    Well, been trying he strategies and such, sometimes do well early game, sometimes not, but either way i get my ass kicked since everyone wants to 2v1 me, so why bother
    21.07.2013 - 08:06
    Hahaha, that's just how it is most of the time.

    You can increase the likelihood of finding an ally by hitting them up via /pr first and establishing communication.
    He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
    21.07.2013 - 11:13
    Tarafından yazıldı Thunderballs, 21.07.2013 at 08:06

    Hahaha, that's just how it is most of the time.

    You can increase the likelihood of finding an ally by hitting them up via /pr first and establishing communication.

    This, and you should also try to choose your battles wisely.

    I am not very famous for wins xP in fact I think I have the most losses of any rank 8, and it's not because I am a terrible player. I used to go into random games, any game that was up, and play some random strategy that I just felt like using at that moment. Being a rank 3 and playing with the big boys (who troll you / farm your ass for SP) results in a good 15 losses a day. I played that frequently in the past.

    So, choose your battles. You can't imagine how many games I lost to late joiners, because the host decided that it would've been fun to let his best friend steal the game and ally with him so that they both win & get tons of SP. When I started choosing my battles properly, I actually started to win games. Granted, sometimes when you set your standards high you won't find good games (especially now a days...) but that isn't bad at all.
    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    29.08.2013 - 18:30
    I played MoS earlier and everybody were saying that I am insane because sometimes I used to capure like whole of Europe in one turn...
    If you want to play MoS, I suggest to chose Norh America. I mostly were starting from USA: Northeast. In first turn you can take Montreal, Ottawa, Washington and Chikago. If you you alone there, you can take North America quickly while preparing submarines in New York and Boston.
    -in coast cities make submarines
    -make some air transports for faster moving your marines to those coast cities
    -fill your submarines to the top and send them to Europe
    -never stop! just make them, fill them, send them. never stop.
    -first submarine send somewhere deeper
    -second too
    -after them, use other marines to stand near enemy cities
    -move them all, surround all cities from which he could send army to his capital
    -2 turns before reinforsment, send 1 marines to each wall city you are going to attack (if there are walls)
    -1 turn before reinf. attack with your prepared marines
    -in captured cities buy infarty for all money you have
    -he is done

    -you need big income
    -you need time to prepare, to cross the ocean, to surround

    tip that can sound stupid:
    don't care if he is sending army to you, force your attacking, defend with all you can use

    It was winning strategy for me, but I quit, because I need A LOT of time... it became boring. In the end, you spend so much turns for one fighting turn...

    Hope I wasn't so boring :/

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