17.01.2013 - 16:45
"[user in room]: if one guy is pointing it out, and 3 others supporting, doesn't mean it needs a change directly" This was said by a very respected member of the community, leader of a cln close to and trusted by the admins among other people. This is the reason I suggest a new position that is about game balancing and strategy testing. This division must attend the concerns of players regarding strategy and balancing (and only strategy and balancing). Meticulously test what is being discussed and report to admins the results and statistics gathered. This is to fix the horrible gap of 4-8 months from an overpowered combination being discovered to its adjustment, and the 1 year+ gap of under-powered strategies being launched to their adjustments. Like all positions, needs to be filled with people who can be trusted that are capable of the job. Mods cannot do this because they are already too busy with what they got and they weren't specifically picked for their skill, but for other qualities. How could it be carried out: Game Balance Specialists constantly check the forum for strategy comments and alerts, verify what is being said and speculate on a solution. Ideally, they also may be given a special room for testing where they may tweak the properties of strategies. After giving approval to changes (it takes some time to do the entire testing), they report it to the main forum and wait for objections/support. Once they have enough approval and any debates have been closed, admins may change the universal settings for the strategies. Detailed reporting of the results is needed and must be guaranteed (by this crew). The thing is, if those four guys of the original sentence are players with sufficient understanding of the game, chances are it may be true and might need immediate change. Examples: PD, MoS (Beta), GW (2011), IF (Nerfed 14 of December, 2011), SM (Early 2012), GC (A long age of darkness throughout 2012). All these strategies are found to be OP soon after a game component is changed (like GC after prioritization was practically removed as suggested by YOBA, still griefing on that) by top players, while less experienced players realize only after old players are tired of battling against these strategies. Example: "Great Combinator is a Powerhouse" http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=5186
Some players simply get to the information faster. Thank you for your support.
---- hue
17.01.2013 - 16:50
Totally agree with this. One point to add, the players in this new position should be from different coalitions and cover the highest number of clns possible to prevent any kind of abuse in 1vs1, team games, coalitions war etcetera
17.01.2013 - 16:55
Wut? Lol And yea, I had also though of this before but never said anything cause I thought that it is not possible for a group of people to have a testing place where they can tweak properties, so yea, if this is actually possible, I'll support. ![]()
18.01.2013 - 22:08
A decent a idea. But the problem isn't as severe as before. Really, the solution to the strategy unbalacement is Desu's thread which offers perfect boosts and nerfs to the right strategies. found here http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=6956 If the admins implement what Desu is proposing, the strategy and cost-effective deficient strategies shouldn't have anymore difficulties. basically, LB, BLITZ, IF, AND TG need boosts. ds needs marine capacity and a small nerf to infantry range. pd is not op, although I could agree that is the strongest overall strategy atm. It's only strong because there isn't enough good "expensive strategies". like IF, BLITZ, TG and LB who need boosts. imp, gw, sm are quite perfect. maybe gw needs a boost on militia and a nerf on marines to help its pop casualty weakness, but for now i think it's quite balanced.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
19.01.2013 - 06:19
I think desert storm helicopters need +1 or +2 range and +1 capacity for marines so you will be able from madrid to take paris, other strategys are perfect for me.I dont support this idea for new position random 20 or 30 players all with difrence opinion will make decission for strategys boosts and nerfs.Not sure for this anyway we have players like desu,fruit,pinherio,hugosch,vril,tophats,aristo,caulepra,barrymore,leaster who can be part of this new position for balance strategys. and leader of this players who will work on balance strategys to be Yoba formerly known like europi that guy is expert ![]() ![]()
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19.01.2013 - 10:17
Remove VRIL, TopHats and Hugosch from the list. I do not think they have the knowledge. Add AlexMeza, Louis Riel, NateBaller, hdrakon and Dbacks instead. YOBA cannot be the leader of such group. Possible leaders can be NateBaller, Houdini or Aristosseur. Desu, Fruit, Pinheiro & NateBaller (if active) cannot be out of this.
---- hue
19.01.2013 - 10:42
(vril and me) > >not the best players in this game. huehue
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
19.01.2013 - 10:55
with yoba was joke i know he is not active but he is very funny and intersting person ![]() and i forgot to Add AlexMeza, Louis Riel, NateBaller, hdrakon and Dbacks sorry
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19.01.2013 - 11:07
no Thank You avatar ^^
---- hue
Emin misin?