28.08.2012 - 22:53
As most of the experienced players know, that the anti-aircraft unit is only applicable in specific situations when buying your army. In fact, infantry are more cost-efficient since they are cheaper, more mobile and in the long run better at defending than anti-aircraft units. Defense against bombers: 1 Anti aircraft (12def/180cost) 1 Infantry (6def/60 cost) or 2 infantry (12def/120cost) Alright, enough chit chat lets get down to what I'm proposing. A new strategy! Specifically for anti-aircraft units, just like we did with helicopters and implementing Desert Storm for it. So it's called Anti-Aircraft Chief, it can be changed i just pulled the name off the spot. Boosts: > -20 cost to Anti-Aircraft units (160) > +5 defense to infantry in a defense line > Anti-aircraft get +8 defense and +8 attack against planes (9att/12def) > militia get +2 defense against stealths > +4 movement range to militia (newly added) > +2 movement range to Anti-Aircraft (newly added) Nerfs > -1 attack and -1 defense to bombers and stealths > +20 cost to bombers and stealths > -1 defense to militia (newly added)
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.08.2012 - 22:59
No, +5 Def to Inf is extremely OP. Tons of people like I don't use bombers, and the nerf is unoticable.
28.08.2012 - 23:23
+5 defense to infantry in defense line only. meaning if you're playing against an AAC player only use 1 unit to break the wall. the advantage is that an AAC player wont have any enemy bombers near a broken wall unless the enemy overloaded. the nerf is fine to me. it basically makes planes are unusable in this strategy.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.08.2012 - 23:30
So whats the main attacking force infantry?
---- I love you Afterwind<3
28.08.2012 - 23:34
yes. 60% infantry 20% Anti-Aircraft 20% tanks It's basically NONE with buffed AAs and weakened planes. Also, in the early stages of the game buying too many anti-aircrafts wouldn't be a very good idea. They would be more useful in the long run.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.08.2012 - 23:37
Also, considering AAC doesn't have a strong "main" unit. Another option could be buffing militia's range by +4 at the cost of another nerf, maybe to air transports or something. What do you guys think?
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.08.2012 - 23:39
So tanks and infantry stay the same right.
---- I love you Afterwind<3
28.08.2012 - 23:41
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.08.2012 - 23:47
160 is still a lot, but with infantry and tanks not nerfed its good
---- I love you Afterwind<3
29.08.2012 - 04:20
This strategy would only be good against Sky Menace. Even Players with Sky Menace can beat them by using tanks or marines to attack.
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29.08.2012 - 04:49
Nice idea TopHats. But i would like to see just some changes in the Boosts: > -40 cost to Anti-Aircraft units (140), to make it more usefull then Infantry > Anti-Aircraft get +10 against all air units (currently: +8) > Anti-Aircraft get +1 defence when in a city > +2 range for Anti-Aircraft units I don't see a reason to boost infantry or militia (maybe both +1 defence against air units). The nerfs seems fine with me ![]() The questions about attacking: This should be a devensive strategy (just like PD). There are still plenty options to attack. I don't think it will be OP, because its a expensive strategy + hard to get fast expansion.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
29.08.2012 - 12:43
Awesome idea Hugosch! A good way to make AAC better offensively would be to make militia +4 range but -1 defense.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
29.08.2012 - 12:47
buying tanks and marines using SM will make you lose against any strategy. AAC can be a diverse strategy buying equal or designated amounts of tanks and infantry for expanding, with the addition of great anti-aircraft units to defend against planes. Also like I mentioned, +4 range to militia with -1 defense can make it even more dynamic without being too overpowered.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
29.08.2012 - 13:27
I have something I posted before that goes along the lines of using AA but wasn't focused on countering SM exactly. Recon/Counter Surveillance All units +2 view range and +1 def against stealth units (marines, submarines, stealths) Sentry Planes -100 cost +1 def +3 range Anti Aircraft -40 cost +1 def +2 range Sea Transport -50 cost +1 def +2 range +5 transport capacity Air Transport -100 cost +1 def +2 range +1 transport capacity Infantry -10 cost Update: Militia +1 range Tanks -1 attack -1 def -1 ARB +10 cost -1 range Destroyers -1 attack -1 ARB +10 cost -1 range Helicopters -1 attack -1 ARB Stealths -1 attack -1 def -1 ARB +10 cost -1 range
29.08.2012 - 16:38
Wow cool idea, I like it but I think it's overpowered. How about this? : All units +2 view range and +1 def against stealth units (marines, submarines, stealths) Sentry Planes -100 cost +1 def +3 range Anti Aircraft -40 cost +1 def +2 range Sea Transport -50 cost +1 def +2 range +5 transport capacity Update: Militia +1 range Tanks -1 attack -1 def -1 ARB +10 cost -1 range Destroyers -1 attack -1 ARB +10 cost -1 range Stealths -1 attack -1 def -1 ARB +10 cost -1 range
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
29.08.2012 - 16:47
I updated the first post. NEW BOOSTS: +4 movement range to militia +2 movement range to Anti-Aircraft NEW NERF: -1 defense to militia
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
30.08.2012 - 00:58
+3or +4 movement range for Anti-Aircraf to have more mobility ![]()
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30.08.2012 - 11:41
Hmm yeah I can see that, I guess lol, just felt like sentry planes and Anti-aircraft should be more used so I decided to try to make a strategy that implemented both.
30.08.2012 - 12:25
Yeah it's definitely a great idea I could see it as an actual strategy. Let's wait and see what the mods and the admins think ![]()
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
30.08.2012 - 13:07
I think this won't be a successful strategy since it's based on defending against one main strategy which is SM ! Plus it's overpowering one minor defensive unit that's used only in some special cases... so just imagine playing this strategy against a GC ...
---- I wf'd UK
30.08.2012 - 13:22
I have to agree. The concept on the creation is pretty much based to make it an specific counter and I don't think there should be something like that. Changes in the concept are needed in order to make it more usable and fun-to-play with. I think that a recognition strategy, that gives bonus to view range and stealth detection would be better.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
30.08.2012 - 13:44
True, look at uhateme's suggestion then.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
04.09.2012 - 15:41
Please do, I think it would be a really nice addition to the game ![]()
05.09.2012 - 17:09
i think blitz sucks because is just a counter to iron first. i think imperialist sucks because is just a counter to lucky bastard i think perfect defense sucks because is just a counter to attack i think great conbinator sucks because is just a counter to tank general and perfect defense i think sm sucks because is just a copy of master of stealth i think guerrilla warfare sucks because is just a copy of imperialist and MoS blablablablabla. for real, each strategy is different, in real life people actually make strategies to counter other strategies is like a game of hide and seek
Emin misin?