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Gönderiler: 2   Ziyaret edenler: 62 users
22.01.2019 - 17:37
Ionia - A reeemerging competitive clan!!

Ionia was a clan dated back to the 2016 seasons. We had our ups and downs, including our rough start but eventually climbed to being a good clan. We plan to redo all of that and compete with the other clans for the #1 spot. The CW scene is dry right now so I believe that this is the perfect time to revive Ionia and try to get a new team together (and hopefully bring back some older players) in order to allow everyone to have more fun. If you wish to join contact me or one of the admins! Love yall


- Rank 6+
- Speak English Fluently
- Active Competitive player
- Mature and friendly

22.01.2019 - 18:03
The clan that gave us 4nic... kill it with fire

Jk, Welcome back honeys <3

Tarafından yazıldı Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015

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