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27.12.2024 - 19:27
A horse walks into a bar. and the- y'know- it's a joke. the horse is allowed in the bar so that's fine. so, this horse, he walks into the bar. he- i- uh- it doesn't matter that it's a boy horse it could be a girl horse or whatever. um, not important to the joke. so, the- the horse, he walks into the bar and- and- y'know, he walks up to the- the barkeep. there's- there's- y'know, the guy behind the counter. it's an old timey saloon type bar, um. y'know wild west sort of- sort of thing. so- so, the horse, he walks into the bar and he walks up to the barkeep. um, and he says— uh, because it's a talking horse. it's- it's- a- the horse can talk. it's very important to the uh- the joke that the horse can talk. so, this talking horse, again, important. very important it's a talking horse. the- the talking horse walks into the bar and he walks up to the barkeep and- and- and he says— well- well- well- well, before he says anything to the barkeep, he puts- he takes his hoof and he puts it up onto the bar. um, and- and- oh wait- wait- wait- wait, no- no, the horse- the horse isn't- the horse has a bloody hoof. the- the- the horse's hoof is bloody, it's very important to the joke. um, that the- the horse has a bloody hoof. so, this horse, he's walking with his bloody hoof and he walks into the bar, and he puts his- his bloody hoof up onto the bar and that's really not very sanitary, is it? it's fine, it's a joke. um, and- and- oh- well, also, the- the horse because, y'know his- his hoof is- is bloody and it's injured he's- he's limping. he's not walking. it's a limping, talking horse. very- very important, bloody hoof. walking- uh- limping- limping horse. um, and the horse can talk. okay. so, the- the horse, he walks into the bar- limps into the bar, the- the horse limps into the bar. um, and- and- uh- he walks- limps- limps- limping horse, bloodied hoof. uh, the- the- the horse limps up to the bar and- and he puts his hoof up onto the bar. uh, it's bleeding, again. the limping horse. lemme try that again. uh, the- the horse limps into the bar and the horse limps- limps up to the barkeep, so- and- and- again, remember the horse can talk because it's a joke. um, it's very important. um, so the horse walks into a bar- limps into the bar, the horse walk— horse limps into the bar. uh, and- and the horse walks- limps- limps up to the barkeep. um, and- and he- he puts his- his hoof up onto the bar- his bloody hoof up onto the bar. and he says to the bartender, "i'm lookin' fer' the man that shot my pa'."
oh- wait, no, it was a dog! oh- okay, so- so, this- this dog walks into the bar. um, dog- talking dog- the dog can talk. it's very important that the dog can talk. and it's a dog it's not a horse. that's- the- kind of- y'know, it's really important to the joke. uh, so the dog walks into the bar and he walks up to the- limps- limping- limping dog, the- the dog has a bloody hoof. uh, that's silly, dog- dogs don't have hooves. it's not a horse, it's a dog and he's got a bloody paw. um, and- and- and- and- and the dog, he walks into the bar and he- he walks- limps- the dog limps into the bar. and the dog limps up to the barkeep and- and the- the talking dog because again he can still talk and it- it still doesn't matter that it's a boy dog, girl dog, or whatever. um, none of that matters, but it does matter that the dog can talk, the dogs allowed in the bar, uh- and- and- and- and he's got a bloody paw. um, so he- he walks into the bar- limps- the dog limps into the bar, uh- and- and the dog limps up to the barkeep and he puts his paw- his- his bloody paw up onto the bar and he says to the bartender, "i'm lookin' fer' the man that shot my paw."
27.12.2024 - 19:35
Where were you when club penguin die?
apolgy for bad english it is my first languagen't

where were you when club pengin die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

"club pengin is kil"

''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''


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