06.06.2020 - 01:02
Hey people of Atwar As some of you might know ,me (Alpha238i), Ed and Gigi where banned few days back for sharing accs. To be fair there is a little more to the story in Eds and Gigi's case. But in my case i was banned specifically because i had shared my acc with other people. ( i was warned once and broke it again) I am making this Post NOT TO RANT AGAINST THE MODS OR ANYONE ELSE , its simply to discuss why people in Atwar Share their acc, with other players or why people ghost .Long post ahead----- So as i have made clear the intend of this post now lets think of a scenario. Imagine you joined A team game like WWI, you want to enjoy this game. You make sure you won't have anything else to do for the next couple of hours.But the thing is ,in life You don't know when to expect something. Now the game starts and you play for a couple of turns, lets say you and your team mates reached t14. But then suddenly lets say u have a guest at your home or say You have to go somewhere suddenly. WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW? Its simple You got 2 options. Either to leave the game or keep playing . Now in the first option , if you do that, you would be ruining the game of your teammates also, who also like you just spend last 80 mins or so playing .And the next time you try joining one of the game , some of the retards will brand you as a leaver , game ruiner etc and therefore your chance of playing one decreases. NOW I don't say all the players are like this , there a few people who understands that real life is more important than a game we play in the browser. So then the second option, You CAN'T PICK THE SECOND OPTION , cause you real life is more important than the game u play in a browser.But the thing is we are humans if we see there is a way to do something even if its against the rules they will pick it. Now You are in a No win Situation You can't leave for the reasons given above and you obviously can't keep playing. So then comes the alternate option of sharing your acc/Ghosting. Let me make this clear sharing your acc is not something everyone is okay with , its obviously not safe, but people still do it just not to ruin a game. Majority of players don't care about the few hundred sp that they may lose if they leave , its just not to ruin the other 10 or 8 players playing with you. And people who also agree to ghost , they don't gain anything by it , its mostly they may have some fun nothing else. AGAIN LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR THIS POST IS NOT TO SAY SHARING ACC PASS IS SAFE AND GOOD My intend is to convey why people used to do this, majority of time it is not out of malice.And people will not give acc to ghost if its a single player game 99% time this happens in team games. If its single player maps , people will just leave , as there isn't much constraints as like in team games. Therefore how can we solve this? Well i am not a coder and i don't know anything about how this game is written or how it works, but if there could be of a system where a player can join for another player as a substitute during mid game , who wants to leave.It i believe can stop people from giving acc for ghosting, even after something like this there is still people who share their acc then we will know they really don;t have any good intend in their mind. Well that's All i just want to say, This post is supposed to be a discussion not a complaint or something against the mods who were doing their job of enforcing the rules, i want to make it clear i was warned of not doing it once but then I again repeated it, therefore i do deserve the punishment. BUT I do feel in cases like this players who share acc for ghosting if they haven't broken any other rules of atwar then they shoudnl't be given an outright ban. Also i want to point out that i was banned after it came to light my acc was linked with Gigi when his was investigated for something else and was banned, but the thing is i had shared my acc quite few days back before the incident. So if that's the case will I again be banned in the future if one of the players whom i had shared in the past get banned for something ?? Well Guys that's it, Sorry again for the long post, I WANT TO AGAIN SAY this is just for discussion not a post to rant against atwar mods. Thank You all for Your Time EDIT--------I JUST WANT TO HIGHLIGHT THE PROPOSAL-------------------- "A SYSTEM WHERE A PLAYER CAN BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR ANOTHER PLAYER WHO CAN JOIN MID GAME IF THE ORGINAL PLAYER WANTS TO LEAVE "
06.06.2020 - 01:23
It would be nice to have a feature that lets you substitute but i dont think this is possible atm because there are probably more important issues.
06.06.2020 - 10:13
Your suggestion could be interesting. I'm no expertise in coding but I guess there should be some way around it. However it could take time and it should be designed in a way that it can not be abused or become a problem. Maybe Dave or Clovis could take a look at it. You should highlight your proposal out of all the text or make a summary in the end
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
06.06.2020 - 11:31
Intresting proposal after all, Ghosting will surely still exist but in scenario the number will reduce so much.
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06.06.2020 - 11:39
This is a great proposal, I agree leaving in the middle of a game is frustrating. I've been through it.
06.06.2020 - 11:45
Hey Alpha, don't worry, your comment is not and won't be considered as any kind of rant towards staff team or similiar. As someone who has applied you a light ban for sharing accounts with troublemakers after you firstly recieved a friendly warning and after I completely reduced your first punishment when you made an appeal, I have to say that I actually appreciate this kind of polite and mature suggestions and discussion ![]() Back to the topic, there is absolutely no problem if you share your account with players you trust, with intention not to ruin the whole scenario game. That's actually a positive thing, according the arguments you have stated above. On the other side, you have to understand that problems occur when you share accounts with, literally said, abnormal rule breakers and trouble people. Two times your account was directly linked to them. They were using vpn-s to make a guest account spam to RUIN other's scenario games with consistent rejoining, insulting, all channel spamming and sending threats to the staff team, including members of their families. There is only 1 way to stop that, so you faced the consequences of their behavior too. There were literally 3 official thread warnings and 2 unofficial ones to stop sharing accounts, especially with troublemakers, to avoid such or similiar happenings. In this way, publically, I would like to please you, to pick more wise people who will replace you if you have to go, because you're being fully responsible of your account in case negative things ever happen. Lastly, your idea could possibly be considered and pushed if we find a proper way to implement it, I actually like what you have suggested. Let me just note again that I appreciate you being understandable towards staff, your consequences and fair to everyone. In such way you and everyone else are free to express your opinions and suggestions anytime ![]()
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06.06.2020 - 12:34
Thank You bro I do understood what i did was against the rules , and i took the time off to reflect my actions. I know what you did was just your job and blaming you would be just immature from my part, so i thought of putting this suggestion out and also spend some money to promote it. And i just wanted to let you guys know i seriously meant no harm , i was just trying to do what i can at that situation to avoid ruining others experience, so i was a bit frustrated when i was banned, So i just want to explain why i did it. Thank you so much Croat for understanding , i kinda felt sad when it was written i was giving silly lying excuses so i just want to explain myself properly.
06.06.2020 - 12:42
Thank You clovis, Its really sad when people also start bashing without understanding when we have to leave.
Emin misin?