Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 22.08.2014 at 16:53
OK now i dont want just to list my clans ... i wanna tell them like a story.
When i was rank 4 i knew for the first time about clans and tried to find one ... i found u.l.a.p (only clan with open spots and full of players , it was the only clan 150+players) . I joined a clan cos i wanted to learn and from the start i showed to eagle emperor i was gonna ne good . After some time he band glennmiller decided to make a clan with the pro of u.l.a.p ,, so they made ulp. I was promoted immediatly .. i was the second player after Glenn created it. Unfurtunatly the clan was inactive since the start , so i left and search another active . In that period Alexmeza Ldk And lildgoinin had an active clan called Art of War. I was like rank 5 so i join ed there. After some time i met 2 very good albanians players Called ushtar and speedy17 and we decided to make a clan together ... so i left AoW and join Eagle soldiers. After some cws , the most important players went inactive (ushtar band speedy) band the entire clan failed ... So i left again and i tried to find an op clan to learn , i was rank 7 ... there were 2 clans Dalmati and Bitme , Caulerpa didnt like me at the begining but Hugo accepted me so i joined Bite Me. Unfurtunatly it went inactive soon , so we all decided to leave it to return in a future when we all gonna be active. In that period i became friend with avatar so i joined his clan Macedonian Empire but i left soon cos his paranois about Dalmati and his theory of ''mod conspiracy '' made by Caul. So i left still rank 7. In this period AlexMeza was still my friend and he had joined dalmati (after pupa), and he said to me that he had talked to Caul that i could join dalmati after a period in pups like ne did. So i joined pups and there met one of my bros , clovek30 (konachan) sent from dalmati to lead pups . After some time i showed him my loyalty and my skills and ne made me leader to le ad tohether. We returned back together to dalmati . I was rank 8 . Here i liked the clan , skilled players fun players and here i met my best bro in AW , Acqui <3 . Acqui was pro he wanted to teach me , so we started to play together 3vs3 2vs2 ...and i learned . Me and him started to undeestand eachother so good ,and we started to play so good together that we started to play even 2vs3 , we used to say '' Acqui skend combo too op '' '' Acqui skend combo is like ukr turk combo'' . Unfurtunatly dalmati players started to ne inactive , even acq ... so i started to play less too. We came at point only me ,epalka and waffle played AW . So i decided to leave. Waff and epalka followed me. After some days Caul declared total inactivity of Dalmati. I was searching another clan , Bite me had returned to be active since some time , and i was invited there to rebuild old bite me. I returned in BM more skilled , so we started to CW band win there . Here i met other bros like Bargain ,Tesla, Dr.Troll . Once again BM started to be inactive after some time. At some point i saw acq returned to be active and he had left dalmati and joined syndicate. I left immediatly BM to follow Acq in Syndi. After some fun and troll cws in Syndi , me and acq decided to make our own clan . We left and created Illyria. After the success of the first months of illyria , we decided to make a selective training clan , so i left to make illyrification. Nere where i am.
bitch ;_;
JUGERS2 Gönderiler: 2866 Ülke: Kosovo
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 14:05
Hmm after this story i will become a clanhopper i guess.. So here it goes.
My rl friend (pentation called in AW) suggested to try this game once. Me and another friend tried this game and liked it. After couple weeks of playing we started to lvl up fast. pentation trained me and my friend and learned us to wall and stuff. Told us what upgrades to buy etc. After I became rank 4/5 pentation told me it was smart to join a clan since you could learn alot from it, he asked the (leader at that moment of dalmati pups) I think it was safari or alex. one of them were my first clanleader if it was okey for me to join pups. They allowed me and teached me alot of stuff, told me to play much worldgames and europe+ 3v3.(in those days there were no shit rp's ) They also told me it was smart to create private games and just practise expansions and stuff. It was hard for me to practise since I wasn't premium and couldn't make private games. So if i wanted to train my expansions I always went to main lobby and just created it there nobody ever went there to ''hang out'' when I was in dalmati pups as soon as i joined skend and freezehusk (time) joined too, after a while epalka joined too. We got a new clanleader konachan, he teached us (epalka/skend/me) alot really alot, he even started inner tournaments (for the record I think kona-chan should get a trophy for best clanleader EVER.) , ofc skend won almost all of them ghegheghe because it was obvious skend was better than both of us and higher rank, (when ranks actually were meant something), kona gave premium feautures as prize of the tournaments, skend and I won generasation(idk) and strats, freeze didnt like the clan that much and decided to leave, skend threatened to leave the clan too if he didnt get promoted, since he was really long in dalmati pups. Skend got promoted and after that me and epalka got too. In dalmati I met acq and lynschk and vril and abdulla <33, vril was active those days (and cool) me and acq could get allong verry well, talked about how good europe was and america sucked (hahahaha luffd those old days) abdulla was known for godness GW, lynschk taught me east, and abdulla also taught me west together with pentation. A month later kona also got into dalmati, and we also became good friends. But unfortunately dalmati was to inactive and dead... it became boring after skend/alex/safari and acq left ;/. So spart told me to leave dalmati and join syndicate, he kinda forced me xD. After a while in syndicate, i saw alot of people coming through like mou and paolo. Syndicate got more and more filled and became a big clan. After that syndicate changed to failingbirds, and shit just got happend, everybody from synd changed to mockingbird and bck to synd or something, but i didnt like the name mockingbird and alot of cool people were left out. Leaf (old buddy) told me he wanted me in SM and stuff, so I joined SM after leaving syndicate, when I joined SM i was a couple weeks active, but 70% I was inactive. idk why i guess had a break or something. When I got back I didn't really like SM and missed syndicate, syndicate was pretty much dead and alot of people were gone, only alot of rank 4/5's were in it. Spart accepted me back and we started to reunite syndicate, clovis was a big part of that too, since he was all alone abandoned in u.l.a.p xDD. He joind the clan and made it way more fun, we decided to kick all the inactive lowranks & highranks, only not primal and stuff they were great peeps. After being in syndicate for almost longer than a year, it got annoyed when to much people were in it, this was when campfire and BM and AoW was merged in one with syndicate. Was alot of fun but so less clans to fight with, it was alot of fun with laochra tho, we both sucked in east and wanted to learn it so we spent alot of time 1v1'ing eachother always played cw's together and stuff. I decided to leave because of clovis & skend, they annoyed me, i dont remember all of it. after me eagles,lemo,su,acq,skend,lao left. lemo and freezehusk (old bro from pups) made PL and eagles and me joined it. It was cool and difference, and a little bit as the old avengers (without pera, actually pera joined later). I was also a long time in PL, got hated by spart xD, syndicate kinda fell apart D: srry for that. after a while PL also became inactive (like i guess 90% of all clans) and I decided to get back to my home ;p
So here I am typing this way to long story, acting like a damn fool in tears ;_; jk.
Have fun reading it.
Wished that dalmati would come back.
PS. its a shame spart AND skend AND FKING ACQ didnt put me in their stories, #hardfeellings. #ho's4bro's </3
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 15:32
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 22.08.2014 at 16:53
OK now i dont want just to list my clans ... i wanna tell them like a story.
When i was rank 4 i knew for the first time about clans and tried to find one ... i found u.l.a.p (only clan with open spots and full of players , it was the only clan 150+players) . I joined a clan cos i wanted to learn and from the start i showed to eagle emperor i was gonna ne good . After some time he band glennmiller decided to make a clan with the pro of u.l.a.p ,, so they made ulp. I was promoted immediatly .. i was the second player after Glenn created it. Unfurtunatly the clan was inactive since the start , so i left and search another active . In that period Alexmeza Ldk And lildgoinin had an active clan called Art of War. I was like rank 5 so i join ed there. After some time i met 2 very good albanians players Called ushtar and speedy17 and we decided to make a clan together ... so i left AoW and join Eagle soldiers. After some cws , the most important players went inactive (ushtar band speedy) band the entire clan failed ... So i left again and i tried to find an op clan to learn , i was rank 7 ... there were 2 clans Dalmati and Bitme , Caulerpa didnt like me at the begining but Hugo accepted me so i joined Bite Me. Unfurtunatly it went inactive soon , so we all decided to leave it to return in a future when we all gonna be active. In that period i became friend with avatar so i joined his clan Macedonian Empire but i left soon cos his paranois about Dalmati and his theory of ''mod conspiracy '' made by Caul. So i left still rank 7. In this period AlexMeza was still my friend and he had joined dalmati (after pupa), and he said to me that he had talked to Caul that i could join dalmati after a period in pups like ne did. So i joined pups and there met one of my bros , clovek30 (konachan) sent from dalmati to lead pups . After some time i showed him my loyalty and my skills and ne made me leader to le ad tohether. We returned back together to dalmati . I was rank 8 . Here i liked the clan , skilled players fun players and here i met my best bro in AW , Acqui <3 . Acqui was pro he wanted to teach me , so we started to play together 3vs3 2vs2 ...and i learned . Me and him started to undeestand eachother so good ,and we started to play so good together that we started to play even 2vs3 , we used to say '' Acqui skend combo too op '' '' Acqui skend combo is like ukr turk combo'' . Unfurtunatly dalmati players started to ne inactive , even acq ... so i started to play less too. We came at point only me ,epalka and waffle played AW . So i decided to leave. Waff and epalka followed me. After some days Caul declared total inactivity of Dalmati. I was searching another clan , Bite me had returned to be active since some time , and i was invited there to rebuild old bite me. I returned in BM more skilled , so we started to CW band win there . Here i met other bros like Bargain ,Tesla, Dr.Troll . Once again BM started to be inactive after some time. At some point i saw acq returned to be active and he had left dalmati and joined syndicate. I left immediatly BM to follow Acq in Syndi. After some fun and troll cws in Syndi , me and acq decided to make our own clan . We left and created Illyria. After the success of the first months of illyria , we decided to make a selective training clan , so i left to make illyrification. Nere where i am.
bitch ;_;
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 28.08.2014 at 05:10
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 15:32
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 22.08.2014 at 16:53
OK now i dont want just to list my clans ... i wanna tell them like a story.
When i was rank 4 i knew for the first time about clans and tried to find one ... i found u.l.a.p (only clan with open spots and full of players , it was the only clan 150+players) . I joined a clan cos i wanted to learn and from the start i showed to eagle emperor i was gonna ne good . After some time he band glennmiller decided to make a clan with the pro of u.l.a.p ,, so they made ulp. I was promoted immediatly .. i was the second player after Glenn created it. Unfurtunatly the clan was inactive since the start , so i left and search another active . In that period Alexmeza Ldk And lildgoinin had an active clan called Art of War. I was like rank 5 so i join ed there. After some time i met 2 very good albanians players Called ushtar and speedy17 and we decided to make a clan together ... so i left AoW and join Eagle soldiers. After some cws , the most important players went inactive (ushtar band speedy) band the entire clan failed ... So i left again and i tried to find an op clan to learn , i was rank 7 ... there were 2 clans Dalmati and Bitme , Caulerpa didnt like me at the begining but Hugo accepted me so i joined Bite Me. Unfurtunatly it went inactive soon , so we all decided to leave it to return in a future when we all gonna be active. In that period i became friend with avatar so i joined his clan Macedonian Empire but i left soon cos his paranois about Dalmati and his theory of ''mod conspiracy '' made by Caul. So i left still rank 7. In this period AlexMeza was still my friend and he had joined dalmati (after pupa), and he said to me that he had talked to Caul that i could join dalmati after a period in pups like ne did. So i joined pups and there met one of my bros , clovek30 (konachan) sent from dalmati to lead pups . After some time i showed him my loyalty and my skills and ne made me leader to le ad tohether. We returned back together to dalmati . I was rank 8 . Here i liked the clan , skilled players fun players and here i met my best bro in AW , Acqui <3 . Acqui was pro he wanted to teach me , so we started to play together 3vs3 2vs2 ...and i learned . Me and him started to undeestand eachother so good ,and we started to play so good together that we started to play even 2vs3 , we used to say '' Acqui skend combo too op '' '' Acqui skend combo is like ukr turk combo'' . Unfurtunatly dalmati players started to ne inactive , even acq ... so i started to play less too. We came at point only me ,epalka and waffle played AW . So i decided to leave. Waff and epalka followed me. After some days Caul declared total inactivity of Dalmati. I was searching another clan , Bite me had returned to be active since some time , and i was invited there to rebuild old bite me. I returned in BM more skilled , so we started to CW band win there . Here i met other bros like Bargain ,Tesla, Dr.Troll . Once again BM started to be inactive after some time. At some point i saw acq returned to be active and he had left dalmati and joined syndicate. I left immediatly BM to follow Acq in Syndi. After some fun and troll cws in Syndi , me and acq decided to make our own clan . We left and created Illyria. After the success of the first months of illyria , we decided to make a selective training clan , so i left to make illyrification. Nere where i am.
bitch ;_;
me not in story ;_;
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 28.08.2014 at 06:08
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 28.08.2014 at 05:10
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 15:32
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 22.08.2014 at 16:53
OK now i dont want just to list my clans ... i wanna tell them like a story.
When i was rank 4 i knew for the first time about clans and tried to find one ... i found u.l.a.p (only clan with open spots and full of players , it was the only clan 150+players) . I joined a clan cos i wanted to learn and from the start i showed to eagle emperor i was gonna ne good . After some time he band glennmiller decided to make a clan with the pro of u.l.a.p ,, so they made ulp. I was promoted immediatly .. i was the second player after Glenn created it. Unfurtunatly the clan was inactive since the start , so i left and search another active . In that period Alexmeza Ldk And lildgoinin had an active clan called Art of War. I was like rank 5 so i join ed there. After some time i met 2 very good albanians players Called ushtar and speedy17 and we decided to make a clan together ... so i left AoW and join Eagle soldiers. After some cws , the most important players went inactive (ushtar band speedy) band the entire clan failed ... So i left again and i tried to find an op clan to learn , i was rank 7 ... there were 2 clans Dalmati and Bitme , Caulerpa didnt like me at the begining but Hugo accepted me so i joined Bite Me. Unfurtunatly it went inactive soon , so we all decided to leave it to return in a future when we all gonna be active. In that period i became friend with avatar so i joined his clan Macedonian Empire but i left soon cos his paranois about Dalmati and his theory of ''mod conspiracy '' made by Caul. So i left still rank 7. In this period AlexMeza was still my friend and he had joined dalmati (after pupa), and he said to me that he had talked to Caul that i could join dalmati after a period in pups like ne did. So i joined pups and there met one of my bros , clovek30 (konachan) sent from dalmati to lead pups . After some time i showed him my loyalty and my skills and ne made me leader to le ad tohether. We returned back together to dalmati . I was rank 8 . Here i liked the clan , skilled players fun players and here i met my best bro in AW , Acqui <3 . Acqui was pro he wanted to teach me , so we started to play together 3vs3 2vs2 ...and i learned . Me and him started to undeestand eachother so good ,and we started to play so good together that we started to play even 2vs3 , we used to say '' Acqui skend combo too op '' '' Acqui skend combo is like ukr turk combo'' . Unfurtunatly dalmati players started to ne inactive , even acq ... so i started to play less too. We came at point only me ,epalka and waffle played AW . So i decided to leave. Waff and epalka followed me. After some days Caul declared total inactivity of Dalmati. I was searching another clan , Bite me had returned to be active since some time , and i was invited there to rebuild old bite me. I returned in BM more skilled , so we started to CW band win there . Here i met other bros like Bargain ,Tesla, Dr.Troll . Once again BM started to be inactive after some time. At some point i saw acq returned to be active and he had left dalmati and joined syndicate. I left immediatly BM to follow Acq in Syndi. After some fun and troll cws in Syndi , me and acq decided to make our own clan . We left and created Illyria. After the success of the first months of illyria , we decided to make a selective training clan , so i left to make illyrification. Nere where i am.
bitch ;_;
me not in story ;_;
If you read with attention , you can see Your name . :p
i didnt talk a lot of stories about all clans .. If i do , it would never end.
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 28.08.2014 at 06:11
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 28.08.2014 at 06:08
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 28.08.2014 at 05:10
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 15:32
Tarafından yazıldı Skendytwin, 22.08.2014 at 16:53
OK now i dont want just to list my clans ... i wanna tell them like a story.
When i was rank 4 i knew for the first time about clans and tried to find one ... i found u.l.a.p (only clan with open spots and full of players , it was the only clan 150+players) . I joined a clan cos i wanted to learn and from the start i showed to eagle emperor i was gonna ne good . After some time he band glennmiller decided to make a clan with the pro of u.l.a.p ,, so they made ulp. I was promoted immediatly .. i was the second player after Glenn created it. Unfurtunatly the clan was inactive since the start , so i left and search another active . In that period Alexmeza Ldk And lildgoinin had an active clan called Art of War. I was like rank 5 so i join ed there. After some time i met 2 very good albanians players Called ushtar and speedy17 and we decided to make a clan together ... so i left AoW and join Eagle soldiers. After some cws , the most important players went inactive (ushtar band speedy) band the entire clan failed ... So i left again and i tried to find an op clan to learn , i was rank 7 ... there were 2 clans Dalmati and Bitme , Caulerpa didnt like me at the begining but Hugo accepted me so i joined Bite Me. Unfurtunatly it went inactive soon , so we all decided to leave it to return in a future when we all gonna be active. In that period i became friend with avatar so i joined his clan Macedonian Empire but i left soon cos his paranois about Dalmati and his theory of ''mod conspiracy '' made by Caul. So i left still rank 7. In this period AlexMeza was still my friend and he had joined dalmati (after pupa), and he said to me that he had talked to Caul that i could join dalmati after a period in pups like ne did. So i joined pups and there met one of my bros , clovek30 (konachan) sent from dalmati to lead pups . After some time i showed him my loyalty and my skills and ne made me leader to le ad tohether. We returned back together to dalmati . I was rank 8 . Here i liked the clan , skilled players fun players and here i met my best bro in AW , Acqui <3 . Acqui was pro he wanted to teach me , so we started to play together 3vs3 2vs2 ...and i learned . Me and him started to undeestand eachother so good ,and we started to play so good together that we started to play even 2vs3 , we used to say '' Acqui skend combo too op '' '' Acqui skend combo is like ukr turk combo'' . Unfurtunatly dalmati players started to ne inactive , even acq ... so i started to play less too. We came at point only me ,epalka and waffle played AW . So i decided to leave. Waff and epalka followed me. After some days Caul declared total inactivity of Dalmati. I was searching another clan , Bite me had returned to be active since some time , and i was invited there to rebuild old bite me. I returned in BM more skilled , so we started to CW band win there . Here i met other bros like Bargain ,Tesla, Dr.Troll . Once again BM started to be inactive after some time. At some point i saw acq returned to be active and he had left dalmati and joined syndicate. I left immediatly BM to follow Acq in Syndi. After some fun and troll cws in Syndi , me and acq decided to make our own clan . We left and created Illyria. After the success of the first months of illyria , we decided to make a selective training clan , so i left to make illyrification. Nere where i am.
bitch ;_;
me not in story ;_;
If you read with attention , you can see Your name . :p
i didnt talk a lot of stories about all clans .. If i do , it would never end.
was just a little bit ;_; no <3 our bromance is over </3
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 14:05
PS. its a shame spart AND skend AND FKING ACQ didnt put me in their stories, #hardfeellings. #ho's4bro's </3
Tarafından yazıldı Acquiesce, 25.08.2014 at 15:17
great group of players here like Clovis, Waffel, SU, Eagles, and others
I did mention you you twat. Learn to read
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
Tarafından yazıldı Acquiesce, 28.08.2014 at 07:30
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 14:05
PS. its a shame spart AND skend AND FKING ACQ didnt put me in their stories, #hardfeellings. #ho's4bro's </3
Tarafından yazıldı Acquiesce, 25.08.2014 at 15:17
great group of players here like Clovis, Waffel, SU, Eagles, and others
I did mention you you twat. Learn to read 
Dude...you put him in same group as Clovis...that's just going to piss him off. xD
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."
"In this game, everyone is hated."
Tarafından yazıldı Guest, 04.06.2014 at 19:21
I started in Dalmati Pups and then went to Bite Me Too I think. LDK taught and helped me a lot in there, I some day got leadership at rank 7 (rank 7 was a big deal back then lol) when LDK left. I didn't last much, it was dying, so I left it and joined LDK's new clan. Great times Anyway, there I met Chess (he was a rank 5 called Physikus, raped everyone in CWs and everyone thought he was an alt), LilD, EAB, and some others. Oh well, too bad almost everyone I knew by that time, retired from AW.
I lasted long in that clan until it somehow dissolved. I don't even remember why. After that, I joined back Dalmati Pups, and got leadership in a couple of weeks (Hue, waffel, kona, skend were there). After a few months I moved to Dalmati. Yeah, the top oldschool clan It was nice, and it was unbelievable how confident they were, they had no problems with me playing a CW. I was about to leave Dalmati, about a month after I joined, because it was going down, it was just before they all went inactive for weeks :/ Anyway, they kicked me because they found out I sent a PM to LDK to remake our old clan
I went inactive a few times after that. I was in SM before, invited to syndi back in the days when things were cool with spart, etc. After leaving SM, I joined avengers. Too bad I went inactive after that lol, I heard they were top clan When I came back, it was inactive already.
I don't remember too well what happened next, but yeah I joined Illyria, Bums, CT and now evoL.
Tarafından yazıldı Acquiesce, 28.08.2014 at 07:30
Tarafından yazıldı Waffel, 27.08.2014 at 14:05
PS. its a shame spart AND skend AND FKING ACQ didnt put me in their stories, #hardfeellings. #ho's4bro's </3
Tarafından yazıldı Acquiesce, 25.08.2014 at 15:17
great group of players here like Clovis, Waffel, SU, Eagles, and others
I did mention you you twat. Learn to read 
Ur so mean. + Spart gtfo please, ash ketchum is calling you back in his pokeball
So much reading!!!
time to leave and not read anything
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
JUGERS2 Gönderiler: 2866 Ülke: Kosovo
So much reading!!!
time to leave and not read anything

I like to read those storys before i go too sleep...
Tarafından yazıldı JUGERS2, 28.08.2014 at 15:00
So much reading!!!
time to leave and not read anything

I like to read those storys before i go too sleep...
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
I wonder how many notable players except me "played" for just 1 coalition, I'm like john stockton of the aw...
Tarafından yazıldı Caulerpa, 01.04.2015 at 18:38
I wonder how many notable players except me "played" for just 1 coalition, I'm like john stockton of the aw...
I regret playing for Syndicate 2
It's not the end.
Holy shit how can you remember you coalition names? it was so long time ago
Death1812 Hesap silindi |
so that's how we met....
Tarafından yazıldı Guest, 02.09.2016 at 15:00
so that's how we met....
Humph, long story......
I searched for risk based game, found aw after few mins of investigation. (end of 2013)
For the most of players that know me, they know that i made an account in the start of 2014, but before that, i made an test acc to see the game.
Didnt like it thought,i could not finnish fkin** tutorial for a hour or sth like that, i was pissed xd
After i finnished that tutorial i joined some world map 50k game, as DR Congo as i remember correctly. I was attacking countries with only bombers, i was pissed that i could not take any of them, they were just 0 and i was trying to get it until i rqiuted the whole game xD
After a few months, i again found the game and tried it again. Had shit times with tutorial again, i wasnt pissed this time because i finnished it earlier.
Again my first game was world and i picked DR. Congo again xd This time it was latejoin as i remember, i spammed tank and was so happy that i could annex neutral  Leveling was always hard to me cause playing massive long lasting games was/is boring to me as hell, but after 2 months i leveled up to rank 4.
I was playing some ancient game (as i remember) when i saw tito advertising some ww1 (pistlor's how i know today  ), i didnt even know that i could click on his nick and pr him, so i clicked on his profile and saw that under his image there is JNA linked text, i clicked.
I saw its a balkan clan,only requirement to join was to be rank above 4. I was addicted to join it because it is a clan where i could speak about this game on my language with others. on the homepage of clan it was saying:"send private message to Tito if you are willing to join"(on serbian). I sent private message.

(if you want to translate, use translator)
After i joined JNA, i started traning 3v3 with others. The only poblem was that tito only knew to play UKR, and i dont need to talk about his smart thinking that taking Russia South, baltics, Volga or Poland are stupid moves to do as Ukraine.... I learnt the main stuff myself, tito gave me some videos for expansions that i used to do at the alone start of my 3v3 adventure. After a few months, tito went inactive and clan itself completely died. I joined Illyrification, but after a week or two when i saw that they won't let me join their main faction, I went inactive for around 4months.
After 4months i came to game cause i was super bored, and idk if the thing that happened was fortune or not, but the same same day, few hours earlier, friend from jna Iwangrozni sent me message that he wants to revive JNA, i was up for that, and left Illyrification. I joined back to JNA, i remember that it was MK drama happening, they were crying about ban and such things, that they should have been unbanned a few days earlier or sth like that, which i didnt care about too much. AS i told, i joined JNA with iwangrozni and Eleutheros, we 3 were playing cws and training new clanmates together, we got to the second place i think in the season, but then me and Eleu went inactive and iwan played with petax which was extremly weak in 3v3(r6) and one other me or eleu when we come (2/3 times a week) so we failed hard to the 5th place i think. I know, we should have stopped cwing like Aristo did, but we didnt blah. Tito came to the game at the end of season and saw that we are active so he joined back too. There was a huge leadership drama in clan because iwan didnt want to let Tito only to lead clan, so he gave him officer position only so that he cant control leadership. Tito kicked the whole clan except me eleu and iwan, left itself. Ivan got mad and left the clan, i did the same.
In the meantime i started speakng with mantis and MOU (i actually started speaking with mou after i capped him in cw when i was r6, but now it was more friendly oriented, not just a game), i remember that mantis was a cute r8 and i was r9 that time. Mou was trying to get me into evoL when i was in JNA back then after that cw when i capped him, so i decided, after tito destroyed jna that time, to join EvoL. It was really nice in EvoL, but the huge proble was timezone.... everyone in EvoL those days was from USA, so i could not get to cw/talk with them except when i stay really late at night, and im really tired to cw at 4-5am xD So i decided to leave. I was inactive for 2 months again i think, back when i returned i saw that tito returned to JNA. When eleu asked me should he join, i told that i will speak with Tito, and really did. I told tito that the only way we will return is if he calls crypt, mantis to clan and accept iwangrozni to clan without any restrictions, he accepted. (he probably had some huge forum debates so he could not lead a clan xD)
I returned to JNA with eleu. Tito invited mantis and crypt to join few days later, mantis was pissed of thanks to Hell and tirp in sm, so he decided to leave, and joined JNA. Crypt joined after mantis. Mantis, crypt, iwan, beli, eleu, me and Tito were in the clan that time. Tito was super inactive, so he promoted me mantis and crypt to leaders, eleu went inactive in the meantime too, and i never saw him active again, im really sad when i sometimes remember those days when i wasn't aware of AW's shit part of community, that im part of today (sadly) After a few days, tito kicked himself too. Me mantis and crypt decided to change clan name to Band of Brothers, idea from same named miniseries. Some older players didnt like our new name, and i asked tito why (we wanted to rename to BoB earlier but tito didnt allow that) and he told me about clan BoB that madara destroyed. Crypt, beli, mantis and me were playing a lot of cws, but beli liked to fuckup our slowroll strategy by stupid moves, we lost a few cws thanks to that, so we told him to ask if he wants to do something like that so we could see if there is an good opportunity for such risk move, he started insulting us, and got kicked...At the end of season(last 10 days), we got the 3rd place,1st place Shadow Aces, 2nd Cosa Nostra and 3rd BoB(us)
We decided to cw SA as soon as possible cause its the only way the we could get them down and us up, and we did cw them a few times, won all times.
We catched up to first place, but Cosa just came active 3-4 days before the season end, farmed up and got first place bla. After that season, crypt went inactive, me and mantis had a rl things to do, so we were half afk too, we could not hold up anymore without crypt, so we left the clan. He rejoined back to SM, and i went to SA.
SA was really a nice place to be in,i felt like in BoB/JNA(like to call it BoB more, cause it was period of me mantis and crypt leading that clan). After 5-6 months, soldier started hard hating me, finding every way to make devil kick me. In one period of time, buffalo joined, we all liked buff except that fag ""tanks more tank 1122"". He, without any discussion with other mods/officers kicked buff, i was against it, and went off, after few hours i joined the game and saw myself banned, soldier lied to them that i posted clan info on forum, which i didnt, the only ss's from sa clan chat are for fun ss's and when soldier was hard insulting me.
I joined enigma after SA, was really a nice place, played a lot of fun cws with them. 3-4 months later, croat came with his generous idea of making clan with me and Jordan, we accepted without keeping in mind croat's shortness of selfcontrol. Basically we both joined with him, lost first cw thanks to croat and he kicked everyone from clan..... Enigma was nice to accept me and Jordan back, so we returned. I went inactive for a few weeks, but came extremly rusty cause new game meta came, with gw more played. I need a lot of time to catch to my old level... Again after 3 months, mantis this time, called me to make a faction, Reservoir Dogs, probably i would not have accepted it if there wasn't a drama between me and jordan in clan, with him using bug to pass walls 2 times in duels..... So i left Enigma (my biggest mistake) and joined clan with mantis and croat. a few others came in RD too. MOU came to be"inactive" and asked croat to join evol back. Croat wanted to merge RD with EvoL, mou was up for it, but mantis wanted to be the only leader and his ultimatum was that clan name must be RD, evol declined, but croat left. MOU called me too, and when croat left, i felt that RD will die off, so i came to evol. But something very strange happened in 2 days between me moving to evol. Croat, knowing that mou invited me to evol too, place an ultimatum to mou, basically he told mou: "Me or pavle, choose" and MOU told that he cannot decide, if croat wants to join, he has invite up. When croat understood that, he was hard apologizing to mantis to accept him back, and mantis accepted him.. I joined evol, not knowing that MOU will go back inactive and leave m in clan alone...... After a few days i left evol and joined SA, on the day that devil decided to leave sa with cthulhu and join Enigma,
in hope to unrust, but he went inactive, and he is inactive yet.... AFter that i decided to go inactive, made my own clan called Illuminati, was in there for a few months.
I returned in the game and joined The Immortals, clan with this welcome message:

I discovered that half of the posts they had in their clan were enigma guides, enigma players expansions base etc...
I reported that to enigma, and got kicked, which i dont regret.
I joined Element on the ask of old friend from SA (witness), was nice there too, but pretty inactive, i tried to make element bigger by updating recruitment post and homepage, but never succeed. After element, mou came in the game again inviting me to go to evol with the promise that he wont go inactive again, i joined. We signed to Sun's aw league or sth like that. MOU was active for whole 4 days xD After that, i alone was trying to manage dead clan, to make a team for cw, but it was impossible with everyone inactive,i left and joined Ionia. it was okay in ionia until cive started blaming for every mistake in every cw like he is the best player here, and he doesnt see his own mistakes..... Also, there was a problem that me and mecoy were supposed to be officers/ normal player, and godfada vale and redzi leaders..... even players that i wasnt in good realtions with were telling me that its stupid that me and mecoy arent on the head of that clan..... I practicaly forced bossko and danijel to join ionia, and after that, they demoted me, i wasnt planning to tolerate that, and left. After i left ionia i joined SM. I was trying to join SM for more than 2 years, it is a really nice mood chat with nice people in the clan itself bla, idk why bonk doesnt want to invite me back bla
At the end, i joined VS, where i am here now, maybe when someone reads this after a few months, i wont be in VS, but who knows
IK no one will read this, idc  i enjoyed writing it, remembering all my friends in thi game that went inactive forever....
Tarafından yazıldı Oleg, 02.09.2016 at 17:07
i left and joined Ionia. it was okay in ionia until cive started blaming for every mistake in every cw like he is the best player here, and he doesnt see his own mistakes..... Also, there was a problem that me and mecoy were supposed to be officers/ normal player, and godfada vale and redzi leaders..... even players that i wasnt in good realtions with were telling me that its stupid that me and mecoy arent on the head of that clan..... I practicaly forced bossko and danijel to join ionia, and after that, they demoted me, i wasnt planning to tolerate that, and left. After i left ionia i joined SM. I was trying to join SM for more than 2 years, it is a really nice mood chat with nice people in the clan itself bla, idk why bonk doesnt want to invite me back bla
At the end, i joined VS, where i am here now, maybe when someone reads this after a few months, i wont be in VS, but who knows 
IK no one will read this, idc i enjoyed writing it, remembering all my friends in thi game that went inactive forever....
>promotes himself on kieren's acc
>gets upset when he is demoted when he wasn't supposed to of been promoted in the first place
Anyways back when i was a rp fag i joined Adog SS and imperium, then his ego and other stuff was too much for me and I eventually joined reich. Was there for a year or two and then created wehrmacht (rip) and that fell threw so i rejoined reich and then decided to become an EU fag and i joined enigma. Then afterwards created Ionia with redzi
EvoL for 2 months
SM for 2 and a half years
Just started up my own clan now.
3 clans in 3 years
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Stalins Martians for 4 years, now Epic Clan 0_0 for about 2 days.
The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading.
[gl] 1GodofWar1: ENIGMA has an open recruitmen for the new season if you like to join a competitive clan learn and cw pr/pm me or tirpitz or send an application
Never trust me when I say I'm becoming active again. It'll only last for about 3 days, like my love life.
It's not the end.
I was in noobs because mecoy tempted me with his soothing lure but then i got kicked after going afk for a year and got invited to epic clan after going on a dueling spree.
Nero Gönderiler: 3756 Ülke: USA
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
Tarafından yazıldı Nero, 22.09.2018 at 18:02

Nero noob
I joined Sons of Aesir in August of 2014, just to join a clan. I didn't know what I was doing. Eventually, as I progressed my interest in RP (Specifically, Tempted RP) I brought my interest 100% in RP and played Martell's (Now Trystane) RP. I eventually joined a clan (FAR) that fellow RP friends in it, who invited me. I was unable to make friends with Martell and more importantly the clan leaders at the time, and Martell's RP was falling apart due to trolls, not being hosted, and I was presumedly kicked from FAR by its founder in 2015. so I paid my interest to Al Fappino, who from the point I met offered me a place with him.
Eventually, as he planned the creation of his clan, shortly after the release of his RP map (Fappino's Ultimate Roleplay), I was one of the first to join. I stayed in the clan for a few months, and was presumedly kicked because of an angry 12 yr old who Fappino actually listened to and kicked me because I "didn't help out a clan member". I knew Fappino didn't want to do it, but I had a group of autistic 12-year-olds angry at me. But I was invited by Helghasts (who I later learned were an enemy of who I was with). I stayed there for 3 days as soon after joining, Al Fappino answered my message about wanting to stay with him. So he offered me to become a leader in another clan, Ancient Kings, that I would run and build up to 250+ members over the course of 2 years. I eventually became affiliated with Al Fappino's government, and the government his leadership belonged to. I eventually took over Fappino's Position and began creating/upkeeping RP maps/clans (which I loved, as it suited me). I had learned a decent section of AWs history and it's players via this period of being "King" of RP which was formerly Fappino's, and before him, Martell's. I successfully ran the RP map and completed 90% of a 100% new RP that has yet to be finished. The RP would be formed to put RP back into its place, as I personally support what foundations Fappino's RP, Martell's, and Tempted's were built out of. Not the scenario-based, spoiled, under-skilled, un-creative 50k crap you have now.
Eventually, though, I had to leave my clan. As its reputation and how it was built just didn't suite for what I was doing. So over the course of 3 months, I had built/planned a new clan, Aloysian Guard, that I wanted to become the "Capital of RP". Not just for RPfags to come into and do away with their ways, but I also wanted to forcibly de-cancerize the RP Community by the handful. I wanted to make my clan to be the baseline of a reformed, civilized, society for the RP community which the Scenario/Competitive side of AW would have a great effect on. I would propose new rules for RP (which ultimately weren't implemented due to NWE breaking) to be installed and humiliate anyone who trolled or defied maps/clans I or the clan supported or made. Eventually, though, I became more bored of RP and more interested in the other areas of AW. And up until Supercraft managed to get me banned via faked evidence, I had just done my job just to do it. finally had enough of the community I tried to save (after supercraft incident), with the help of very few. So, I decided to hand down my position of making/upkeeping RP Maps and Clans to a leader, and a council that would ultimately help him. I, of course, will stay around to guide him to carry out my plans to de-cancerize. I will not give out those plans nor will I cause drama over it so please don't flame war.
As of now, I'm transitioning into competitive and scenario's and I spend most of my time trying to support the game. I, with help of friends, devised a plan to go through some of AW's pro clans to get further more training after I myself have become able enough to join one.
So that's my story with the clans I joined. Your choice to believe it or not
I did leave Ancient Kings for a brief moment in June of 2017 to create a series of clans for some supporters of mine, hence why I have clans like Tiberian Guard in my list.
P.S. P.S.
This is the simplified version
I was in dark storm while low rank, i think i was in meme rp clans but that was like when i couldnt read english i am in the empire since 2016 kek