3 on equite, all to Rome.
As defender of the Republic against the scourge of the Carthaginians, I, Africanus, ask that I be given the governorship of Africa and an army to defeat the Numidians once the rebel is defeated.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
3 on equite
rest to rome (7)
3 on equite, 5 to Rome
Join Potestatem, 3 on equite, 10 to rome
3 on equite 6 to rome.
and if its any consolation, I got strat guess right in Spain, just stupid Barbarian leaders and their special disasters.
Surrender now Or you will be put to death once I land in Rome.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Meester, 16.09.2016 at 10:53
Join Potestatem, 3 on equite, 10 to rome
Why would you join them?
GC I told you, you can't offer sex in exchange for joining your faction anymore!
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 11:33
Surrender now Or you will be put to death once I land in Rome.
You are one man, have 2 fleets, 40-50 Talents to make more, versus Rome's 120+ Talent Treasury after donations and its already vast armies and fleets. How the Fuck do you expect to win?
I advice the Senate and Consuls to not declare war on anyone except the Jugerthines until the Tunderious Revolt is crushed like a gnat.
I also like how you are doing exactly what you accused Enigma and later Populares of trying to do, even without any evidence. GG nice hypocrisy. I hope that when Rome's mighty forces crush you and your Traitor Legions, you live long enough to die painfully as a Traitor in front of us on the Senate floor.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
I revolt with tunder and build max forces
Fuck off Tunder/Pavle alt. You aren't a part of the game, you aren't a part of his faction, and no one can revolt once there is already a revolt.
Since Tunder is revolting (pun intended) you can't.
Tarafından yazıldı Darth., 16.09.2016 at 11:40
I revolt with tunder and build max forces
Fuck off Tunder/Pavle alt. You aren't a part of the game, you aren't a part of his faction, and no one can revolt once there is already a revolt.
Since Tunder is revolting (pun intended) you can't.
was joking, would never revolt with guy like tunder.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
was joking, would never revolt with guy like tunder.
Well you need to talk to Aetius on whether you can take over from Pavle.
Also is Zlo banned too?
Also, nice making alt and coming on this thread with Meester part of it.
Also nice name. Very subtle
Also, not really certain which war is most important, but I ask whenever we're going to fight the Spanish revolts again I be permitted to lead the army a 2nd time, and avoid a Viriathus disaster this time.
Wtf is that shit in Sicily
Also nice Aetius bias on Germans
Someone Better Than You
Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 01:42
Donating 25 talents to rome
roll for quite
Guys, with tunder's little attentionwhoring stunt rome is near collapse. Everyone must commit heavily to treasury.
This is why you shouldn't disband veteran legions and should instead put them to good use every turn...
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Zephyrusu, 16.09.2016 at 11:59
Wtf is that shit in Sicily
Also nice Aetius bias on Germans
Auxiliary forces.
What bias?
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:00
Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 01:42
Donating 25 talents to rome
roll for quite
Guys, with tunder's little attentionwhoring stunt rome is near collapse. Everyone must commit heavily to treasury.
This is why you shouldn't disband veteran legions and should instead put them to good use every turn...
Veteran legions makes it easier to revolt.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:00
This is why you shouldn't disband veteran legions and should instead put them to good use every turn...
What Aqollo said. And Zeph had three...
Tarafından yazıldı Darth., 16.09.2016 at 11:40
I revolt with tunder and build max forces
Fuck off Tunder/Pavle alt. You aren't a part of the game, you aren't a part of his faction, and no one can revolt once there is already a revolt.
Since Tunder is revolting (pun intended) you can't.
was joking, would never revolt with guy like tunder.
I would never invite an untrusworthy snitch to join a well planned coup de'tat
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:00
Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 01:42
Donating 25 talents to rome
roll for quite
Guys, with tunder's little attentionwhoring stunt rome is near collapse. Everyone must commit heavily to treasury.
This is why you shouldn't disband veteran legions and should instead put them to good use every turn...
Veteran legions makes it easier to revolt.
You mean like tunder has?
If people are going to revolt they will do it any way they can.
Having 25 veteren legions gives 50 strengh.. So long as they are spread between players, it would be more than sufficient to destroy all your fronts right now.
Only 1 player can revolt at a time so lets say Zeph revolted... All the other veteran legions would fucking annihilate him... Veteran legions make Rome stronger, end of.
Pavle should read the proscription list that I posted, it clearly states his name in it.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:09
Tarafından yazıldı Darth., 16.09.2016 at 11:40
I revolt with tunder and build max forces
Fuck off Tunder/Pavle alt. You aren't a part of the game, you aren't a part of his faction, and no one can revolt once there is already a revolt.
Since Tunder is revolting (pun intended) you can't.
was joking, would never revolt with guy like tunder.
I would never invite an untrusworthy snitch to join a well planned coup de'tat
I have suspicions you have turned a few people in Rome who will sabotage shit and make it hard for us to win. We'll still win but be weakened, and the person whom you've secretly allied, revolts and wins the game. After which you and he laugh in our face.
Well, that's your plan anyways.
Tarafından yazıldı Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:09
I would never invite an untrusworthy snitch to join a well planned coup de'tat
In fact, very impulsive and poorly planned. Also when the hell will people stop talking about the disbanding of zephs legions, that is ancient history.
EDIT: The list is cool though
Tarafından yazıldı Darth., 16.09.2016 at 11:46
was joking, would never revolt with guy like tunder.
Well you need to talk to Aetius on whether you can take over from Pavle.
Also is Zlo banned too?
Also, nice making alt and coming on this thread with Meester part of it.
Also nice name. Very subtle 
im not playing,, have this alt just for rome...
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:15
Pavle should read the proscription list that I posted, it clearly states his name in it.
That proscription list is cool and nicely made. On the other hand, you've declared everyone traitors to Rome 
Even if you win and kill us, the people will have you out on your ass. They'll never accept this.
I suggest you all spam max legions, get a dictator that knows what he's doing and pick 3 fronts to fight.
I suggest 6 veterans and strong commander vs tunder
11 normal and strong commander v numidians.
Dictator and rest vs a Gaul target
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 16.09.2016 at 12:15
In fact, very impulsive and poorly planned.
Actually he planned mostly well. We voted him as Governor because we wanted him the hell away from Rome since he was being a pissoff. He chose the right province with already made auxiliaries and large income. But he should have revolted at the end of his third term, after raising more forces not just after we won against Mace and Carth 
Also, he didn't realize he has to beat our navy first. Should have gotten Cisalpine Gaul and just marched straight on down.
Aetius forced my hand when he ended the turn too early. While politics were of no more use due to cuckservatives. Ironically I am the only person that can save the republic from destroying itself.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 16.09.2016 at 12:19
I suggest you all spam max legions, get a dictator that knows what he's doing and pick 3 fronts to fight.
I suggest 6 veterans and strong commander vs tunder
11 normal and strong commander v numidians.
Dictator and rest vs a Gaul target
We need to defend Provinces too to prevent him getting more income and territories. That obviously hasn't factored in your master plan.
I say ignore the Germans for now.
Take the Bequeath and gain 50 talents.
Stalemate or defeat the Africans, crush Tunder, and abandon Spain for now. Pull out our troops, crush Tunder, and then fall in one massive hammerblow on Spain.
Tarafından yazıldı Tundy, 16.09.2016 at 12:21
Aetius forced my hand when he ended the turn too early. While politics were of no more use due to cuckservatives. Ironically I am the only person that can save the republic from destroying itself.
You make the game interesting, but please don't make yourself a punch line in the process