Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 10.09.2016 at 11:33
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:56
And my loyal legions should do as I say, they aren't subject to a vote, if I want them with me in Spain they should follow, just as they would follow if I was revolting.
Do you consider yourself above the senate? Legions obey the republic, the highest authority in the state. If you consider yourself above that authority that means you choose to rebel, in which case then they will follow you.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:56
Sidenote: Ally faggery should be left in world map ... Factions aren't this big in the board game, so put a limit on how large they can be. What's the point in having a faction if everyone can join it?
In the orig game, depends on how many players there are, if there are 2 there would be 2 factions. Also it doesn't seem to be any limit on how many senators could be in a faction in that game. What is now arising is just the free market of politics taking its natural course. The early republic was a nicer kinder game of 3 parties, neutrals, cooperation and open-ness. I think from now on, the party that has fewer voting power is going to have to resort to bribery or intrigue to make up for their political weakness. Wishing for old times to return is probably delusional now.
That being said, I do see a game-play issue with this. Imagine a faction gains like 90% of the players just revolts and they all join and overthrow the government, seems rather silly. Limiting factions to 5 players may help though.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:53
If someone is out of Rome, intrigues shouldn't work on them... Blackmail, assasinations, body gaurds are all annulled, so why are you playing the influence peddling on me?
Imo only assassination makes sense. The other two are just having your equites swayed at dinner parties and blackmail can happen from afar.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:53
Also, as governor can I engage the Spanish rebels with whoever attacks?
Yes, but only if my army is defeated. The consuls sent legions to you so we could 2 chances to fight in that case. Your job as governor is to rule it, collect taxes, and keep it safe.
btw will update turn, Resting Lime will be assumed to vote along his faction leaders vote
I think max. 3 people in a faction was good
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 10.09.2016 at 11:33
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:56
And my loyal legions should do as I say, they aren't subject to a vote, if I want them with me in Spain they should follow, just as they would follow if I was revolting.
Do you consider yourself above the senate? Legions obey the republic, the highest authority in the state. If you consider yourself above that authority that means you choose to rebel, in which case then they will follow you.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:56
Sidenote: Ally faggery should be left in world map ... Factions aren't this big in the board game, so put a limit on how large they can be. What's the point in having a faction if everyone can join it?
In the orig game, depends on how many players there are, if there are 2 there would be 2 factions. Also it doesn't seem to be any limit on how many senators could be in a faction in that game. What is now arising is just the free market of politics taking its natural course. The early republic was a nicer kinder game of 3 parties, neutrals, cooperation and open-ness. I think from now on, the party that has fewer voting power is going to have to resort to bribery or intrigue to make up for their political weakness. Wishing for old times to return is probably delusional now.
That being said, I do see a game-play issue with this. Imagine a faction gains like 90% of the players just revolts and they all join and overthrow the government, seems rather silly. Limiting factions to 5 players may help though.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:53
If someone is out of Rome, intrigues shouldn't work on them... Blackmail, assasinations, body gaurds are all annulled, so why are you playing the influence peddling on me?
Imo only assassination makes sense. The other two are just having your equites swayed at dinner parties and blackmail can happen from afar.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:53
Also, as governor can I engage the Spanish rebels with whoever attacks?
Yes, but only if my army is defeated. The consuls sent legions to you so we could 2 chances to fight in that case. Your job as governor is to rule it, collect taxes, and keep it safe.
btw will update turn, Resting Lime will be assumed to vote along his faction leaders vote
I think max. 3 people in a faction was good 
There was never max. 3 people in a faction, it was minimum 3 people in a faction
Tarafından yazıldı Darth., 10.09.2016 at 12:43
Tarafından yazıldı Aetius, 10.09.2016 at 11:33
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:56
And my loyal legions should do as I say, they aren't subject to a vote, if I want them with me in Spain they should follow, just as they would follow if I was revolting.
Do you consider yourself above the senate? Legions obey the republic, the highest authority in the state. If you consider yourself above that authority that means you choose to rebel, in which case then they will follow you.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:56
Sidenote: Ally faggery should be left in world map ... Factions aren't this big in the board game, so put a limit on how large they can be. What's the point in having a faction if everyone can join it?
In the orig game, depends on how many players there are, if there are 2 there would be 2 factions. Also it doesn't seem to be any limit on how many senators could be in a faction in that game. What is now arising is just the free market of politics taking its natural course. The early republic was a nicer kinder game of 3 parties, neutrals, cooperation and open-ness. I think from now on, the party that has fewer voting power is going to have to resort to bribery or intrigue to make up for their political weakness. Wishing for old times to return is probably delusional now.
That being said, I do see a game-play issue with this. Imagine a faction gains like 90% of the players just revolts and they all join and overthrow the government, seems rather silly. Limiting factions to 5 players may help though.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:53
If someone is out of Rome, intrigues shouldn't work on them... Blackmail, assasinations, body gaurds are all annulled, so why are you playing the influence peddling on me?
Imo only assassination makes sense. The other two are just having your equites swayed at dinner parties and blackmail can happen from afar.
Tarafından yazıldı Phoenix, 10.09.2016 at 07:53
Also, as governor can I engage the Spanish rebels with whoever attacks?
Yes, but only if my army is defeated. The consuls sent legions to you so we could 2 chances to fight in that case. Your job as governor is to rule it, collect taxes, and keep it safe.
btw will update turn, Resting Lime will be assumed to vote along his faction leaders vote
I think max. 3 people in a faction was good 
There was never max. 3 people in a faction, it was minimum 3 people in a faction
ok would be good*.......
==Turn 11: Phase 3 has begun==
I want to claim ghost acc
==Turn 12: Phase 1 has begun==
3 talents on Equite
7 talents on Chariot Races
7 talents on Tribune
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
6 talents on Equite
Boo aetius you got fucked boo
I won't buy shit
Someone Better Than You
6 talens on Equite.
2 talents to Rome.
3 on equite
I will host grand series of games when I reconquer hispania from these savages and enslave them.
3 on equite.
I wish for the senate to give me an opportunity to avenge my brother, who was ill equipped to defend Spain while the senate was too busy debating the dismantling of 3 veteran legions that should have been put to good use. He made the ultimate sacrifice for Rome.
Also taking out a tier 2 landbill.
Also using tribune to become governor of further Spain.. Send me adequate troops so that I can defend
3 on Equite and I vote to rule in Numidia's favor for African dispute
And I raise another auxiliary unit in Cisipine Gaul
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
3 on equite
==Turn 12: Phase 2 has begun==
Consul Vote
1)Quintus Sertorius (Aetius) & Caspiel Rex Secundus (Darth.)
Censor Vote
1)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo)
Praetor Vote
1)Gaius Marius (Pyrrhus )
Governorship of Further Spain? (winner may reject)
Governorship of Sicily? (winner may reject)
Governorship of Illyricum? (winner may reject)
1)Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Who will command the Sicilian Slave Revolt?
1) Consul Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) [Populares]
Leving Forces
1)2 legions
Disbanding Forces
1)Legio IV Mortis, Legio V Invicta, Legio VI Ignis to be disbanded (30 talents to pay for their retirement)
Force Deployments
1)Legio III and 8 Legions to reinforce Sertorius in Hispania
Legio IX, Legio VIII and 3 Legions to fight the slaves
Garrison Legions
1) Legio IV, Legio V, Legio V to garrison Further Spain (if they aren't disbanded)
African Dispute (Consuls have put this to vote)
2)Numidians are correct (will enrage Carthage provoking them to war)
Phoenicii Land Bill Tier II (-5 talents, -2 unrest)
Sponsor: Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)(will gain +2 popularity if it passes)
2) Nay (all who vote nay, and if nay wins, will lose -1 popularity )
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents )
Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) +34 votes, backed by both Consuls (aurum.)
Consul: 2
Censor: 2
Praetor: 2
Governor of Further Spain: 2
Sicily: 2
Illyricum: 2
Sicilian Revolt: 2
Leving: 1
Disbanding: 2
Garrisson: 2
Land Bill: 1
Dispute: 1
Tax Farmer: Abstain
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
A messenger enters the Senate and upon receiving permission from the Consuls begins reading a message from Governor-Senator Caspiel Rex Secundus.
"Friends, Senators, Romans. Lend me your ears."
"Next year I shall return to Rome, and host a grand Gladiatorial Spectacle as a celebration for my return to Rome and civilization. These Slave Revolts in Sicily will not go unpunished. Already Sicily is guarded by auxilae of 4 legions and 2 navies, equalling the slave forces. Even as you read this, I am trying my best to raise three more loyal auxilae legions to put down this barbarian revolt; should, Gods forbid, Nike be against them, and our valiant Legions be struck by disaster, as happened in Hispania, not once, but twice. Gods of Olympus be good, I will be successful in amassing the required forces.
One way or another, these Sicilian slaves shall learn the folly of challenging the might of Roma,and return to their rightful places in the mines and fields of Sicily at the point of a Legionnaire's pilum.
Word has also reached me of the dispute between Numidia and Carthage. I believe that both the Numidians and Carthaginians shall take up arms against Rome someday, whether it be next year, next decade, or next century. Certainly in the case of those barbaric Carthaginians it shall be sooner rather than later. However for now, the Numidians, black skinned savages that they are, are our allies, and are still formidable in battle. I believe that there is no point arousing a sleeping Kraken. I advise the Senate to choose wisely and side with the Numidians, presenting a unified front to Carthage. Our legions have triumphed over them once, and I believe they shall achieve such success again. Senator Galerius Nipius Africanus' father was a Hero of the Republic and his son appears to be following in his father's footsteps. Thus it is my opinion that he is the best candidate to be our vanguard against Carthage that thrusts a spear into the heart of an Empire in decline, ending them once and for all. Veni, Vidi, Vici comrades my fellow Senators.
On a more somber note, my most sincerest condolences to the Potestatem faction for the loss of Senator Felix Phoenicus. I hope his brother finds solace in the fact that he died bravely as a martyr, fighting alongside his men until the very end. Requiescat in pace Senator.
Remember fellow Senators; the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
OOC I would like to ask how a land bill and Governorship has been proposed by Phoenix if he is dead. Is it because of his Tribune? O can understand the land bill part if so, but the Governorship thing is weirding me out.
Because we can't have a dead Senator being elected as a Governor of a Province. Let alone a Province in open revolt.
Edit: Okay never mind, doubt solved.
Consul Vote
2) Gogonius Maximus (Google Chrome) & Augustus Damasippus (Resting Lime)
Censor Vote
1)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo)
Praetor Vote
2)Cassius Caelius (Safari)
Consuls have chosen to nominate a few to governorship. Any person with a tribune may choose an open province and become governor.
Governorship of Further Spain? (winner may reject)
1)Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)
Governorship of Sicily? (winner may reject)
1)Andertius Paullus (Pavle )
Governorship of Illyricum? (winner may reject)
1)Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Who will command the Sicilian Slave Revolt?
1) Consul Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) [Populares]
Leving Forces
1)2 legions
Disbanding Forces
1)Legio IV Mortis, Legio V Invicta, Legio VI Ignis to be disbanded (30 talents to pay for their retirement)
Force Deployments
1)Legio III and 8 Legions to reinforce Sertorius in Hispania
Legio IX, Legio VIII and 3 Legions to fight the slaves
Garrison Legions
1) Legio IV, Legio V, Legio VI Ignis to garrison Further Spain (if they aren't disbanded)
Phoenicii Land Bill Tier II (-5 talents, -2 unrest)
Sponsor: Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)(will gain +2 popularity if it passes)
1) Aye
African Dispute (Consuls have put this to vote)
Two delegations arrive from africa, one from Carthage, and the other from the Numidian Kingdom under Massinissa. The two states are feuding over the city and farmlands around Thugga. The Numidians claim that in the treaty of the second punic war, Thugga, as Rome's allies that was supposed to be surrendered to the Numidians as a reward. The Carthaginians claim that there was no such clause in the treaty. Upon examination by roman lawyers, it does seem that the Carthaginians are correct, however if the Senate sides against their Numidian Allies they will take it very badly. The Consuls can choose to put this to the Senate or send them away.
2)Numidians are correct (will enrage Carthage provoking them to war)
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents )
Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) +34 votes, backed by both Consuls
Consul Vote
2) Gogonius Maximus (Google Chrome) & Augustus Damasippus (Resting Lime)
Censor Vote
1)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo)
Praetor Vote
2)Cassius Caelius (Safari)
Consuls have chosen to nominate a few to governorship. Any person with a tribune may choose an open province and become governor.
Governorship of Further Spain? (winner may reject)
1)Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)
Governorship of Sicily? (winner may reject)
1)Andertius Paullus (Pavle )
Governorship of Illyricum? (winner may reject)
1)Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Who will command the Sicilian Slave Revolt?
1) Consul Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) [Populares]
Leving Forces
1)2 legions
Disbanding Forces
1)Legio IV Mortis, Legio V Invicta, Legio VI Ignis to be disbanded (30 talents to pay for their retirement)
Force Deployments
1)Legio III and 8 Legions to reinforce Sertorius in Hispania
Legio IX, Legio VIII and 3 Legions to fight the slaves
Garrison Legions
1) Legio IV, Legio V, Legio VI Ignis to garrison Further Spain (if they aren't disbanded)
Phoenicii Land Bill Tier II (-5 talents, -2 unrest)
Sponsor: Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)(will gain +2 popularity if it passes)
1) Aye
African Dispute (Consuls have put this to vote)
Two delegations arrive from africa, one from Carthage, and the other from the Numidian Kingdom under Massinissa. The two states are feuding over the city and farmlands around Thugga. The Numidians claim that in the treaty of the second punic war, Thugga, as Rome's allies that was supposed to be surrendered to the Numidians as a reward. The Carthaginians claim that there was no such clause in the treaty. Upon examination by roman lawyers, it does seem that the Carthaginians are correct, however if the Senate sides against their Numidian Allies they will take it very badly. The Consuls can choose to put this to the Senate or send them away.
2)Numidians are correct (will enrage Carthage provoking them to war)
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents )
Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) +34 votes, backed by both Consuls
Darth. Gönderiler: 3783 Ülke: Hindistan
Tarafından yazıldı Darth., 11.09.2016 at 14:29
Guys Phoenix died in Spain. Why are you guys still voting him as Governor??? Unless dismembered corpses make effective counter-revolt governors.
Someone use a Tribune and suggest a replacement.
He was restored early by a randomly picked card during the last phase
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Why does everyone hate my Legions Q-Q
Someone Better Than You
Consul Vote
1)Quintus Sertorius (Aetius) & Caspiel Rex Secundus (Darth.)
Censor Vote
1)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo)
Praetor Vote
1)Gaius Marius (Pyrrhus )
Governorship of Further Spain? (winner may reject)
1)Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)
Governorship of Sicily? (winner may reject)
1)Andertius Paullus (Pavle )
Governorship of Illyricum? (winner may reject)
1)Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Who will command the Sicilian Slave Revolt?
1) Consul Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) [Populares]
Leving Forces
1)2 legions
Disbanding Forces
1)Legio IV Mortis, Legio V Invicta, Legio VI Ignis to be disbanded (30 talents to pay for their retirement)
Force Deployments
1)Legio III and 8 Legions to reinforce Sertorius in Hispania
Legio IX, Legio VIII and 3 Legions to fight the slaves
Garrison Legions
1) Legio IV, Legio V, Legio VI Ignis to garrison Further Spain (if they aren't disbanded)
Phoenicii Land Bill Tier II (-5 talents, -2 unrest)
Sponsor: Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)(will gain +2 popularity if it passes)
1) Aye
African Dispute (Consuls have put this to vote)
2)Numidians are correct (will enrage Carthage provoking them to war)
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents )
Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) +34 votes, backed by both Consuls
Tarafından yazıldı Zephyrusu, 11.09.2016 at 15:05
Why does everyone hate my Legions Q-Q
Despicable neutrals
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Consul Vote
1)Quintus Sertorius (Aetius) & Caspiel Rex Secundus (Darth.)
Censor Vote
1)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo)
Praetor Vote
1)Gaius Marius (Pyrrhus )
Governorship of Further Spain? (winner may reject)
1)Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)
Governorship of Sicily? (winner may reject)
1)Andertius Paullus (Pavle )
Governorship of Illyricum? (winner may reject)
1)Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Who will command the Sicilian Slave Revolt?
1) Consul Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) [Populares]
Leving Forces
1)2 legions
Disbanding Forces
1)Legio IV Mortis, Legio V Invicta, Legio VI Ignis to be disbanded (30 talents to pay for their retirement)
Force Deployments
1)Legio III and 8 Legions to reinforce Sertorius in Hispania
Legio IX, Legio VIII and 3 Legions to fight the slaves
Garrison Legions
1) Legio IV, Legio V, Legio VI Ignis to garrison Further Spain (if they aren't disbanded)
Phoenicii Land Bill Tier II (-5 talents, -2 unrest)
Sponsor: Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)(will gain +2 popularity if it passes)
1) Aye
African Dispute (Consuls have put this to vote)
2)Numidians are correct (will enrage Carthage provoking them to war)
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents )
Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) +34 votes, backed by both Consuls
Consul Vote
1)Quintus Sertorius (Aetius) & Caspiel Rex Secundus (Darth.)
Censor Vote
1)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo)
Praetor Vote
1)Gaius Marius (Pyrrhus )
Governorship of Further Spain? (winner may reject)
1)Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)
Governorship of Sicily? (winner may reject)
1)Andertius Paullus (Pavle )
Governorship of Illyricum? (winner may reject)
1)Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Who will command the Sicilian Slave Revolt?
1) Consul Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) [Populares]
Leving Forces
1)2 legions
Disbanding Forces
1)Legio IV Mortis, Legio V Invicta, Legio VI Ignis to be disbanded (30 talents to pay for their retirement)
Force Deployments
1)Legio III and 8 Legions to reinforce Sertorius in Hispania
Legio IX, Legio VIII and 3 Legions to fight the slaves
Garrison Legions
1) Legio IV, Legio V, Legio VI Ignis to garrison Further Spain (if they aren't disbanded)
Phoenicii Land Bill Tier II (-5 talents, -2 unrest)
Sponsor: Decimus Phoenicus (Phoenix)(will gain +2 popularity if it passes)
1) Aye
African Dispute (Consuls have put this to vote)
2)Numidians are correct (will enrage Carthage provoking them to war)
Tax Farmer 1 (+2 talents )
Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Aqollo) +34 votes, backed by both Consuls