08.04.2015 - 05:39
It´s funny how sarcastics are you guys, and sorry but this is not going in circle this is the same topic as reciently and the same issue and the same hipocrisy. Finally these last topics are about to fix the elo farming, duel system, top elo players, etc etc People talking about they want to fix this issue and/or system about elo and duels, restrictions, divisions, possible farm, alts accounts in the top list etc etc etc when the own posters are the first one who are dueling low ranks. Can somebody explain it to me please? Already i don´t know if i´m getting crazy or getting fun about so much hipocrisy. If you would really want to fix it, you could start for not dueling low ranks and give example. Again zero common sense in your words. I repeat, the ideas ar not bad, but is stupid propose something when i´m the first one who is not giving example with my acts. I think it´s more than obvious what i try to explain, but now again both will make excuses saying that: - or don´t understand my words cause my english. - or it´s me who don´t understand the elo system ![]() How can u ask for something that u are the first one who is not giving example? How can i ask for improve the elo farming and try to get a real elo top list if i´m the first one who make alts accounts for getting elo peaks or i´m dueling low ranks with my main too?. Incredible again ![]()
Chocobanalol Hesap silindi |
08.04.2015 - 05:49 Chocobanalol Hesap silindi
Hormi, you write the exact same paragraph in every thread. Can we please for once just discuss the topic, we all know by now that I am a farmer in your opinion. It's ok. Discuss the topic at hand.
08.04.2015 - 05:55
What is incredible is that you wrote 5000 words of worthless crap so far and you keep repeating it over and over like you have brain damage while saying nothing that contributes to the issue. Literally ...you wrote 15 fucking pages so far of shit that you could say in 2 sentences.
08.04.2015 - 06:03
I have told it already in a short sentence some times but u still don´t understand i think. I repeat the sentence one more time. If a player "really" wants to improve the actuall system and make it fairly, should be the first one giving example and stop dueling low ranks or making alt acounts for farming. That´s all. Do you agree or not?
08.04.2015 - 06:05
Dude i´m not native english speaker this is my english level. Do i make fun of you if u try to speak in spanish or another language that u don´t know very well?
Chocobanalol Hesap silindi |
08.04.2015 - 06:06 Chocobanalol Hesap silindi
Yes, put it in your signature. Now stop posting if you don't have something new and constructive to add.
Neither am I. Just be assured that we all got your point by now, there is no need to repeat it over and over again like some sort of mantra. I will rephrase the content you wrote about 89 times so far so you can see that I really got the message: A player who wants to improve the game by suggesting something should be the first to act accordingly. I got it ok, but it's not the topic of this thread, so stop it.
08.04.2015 - 06:40
No i don't agree ...what you are proposing is stupid. Lets say a 100 players agree not to duel low ranks ....there will be one guy who does and fucks up your system Lets say a 1.000 players agree not to duel low ranks ...there will be that one guy who does and fucks up everyone else. Lets say a 10.000 players agree not to duel low ranks ...there will be now that one guy who fucks 10.000 people Then lets think about ...what is a low rank? ...obviously that is subjective, since i see ranks 6 and 7 in YOUR DUELS And guess what, i consider ranks below 8 ...low ranks. ...you hypocrite piece of shit and a farmer who has 50.000 turns more played then i do. How fucking dare you play anyone you experienced asshole... See the problem? Then there is another issue ...there are low ranks who want to play higher ranks! Who the fuck are you to restrict any player on who he can play and duel with? Now i'm reading about rating systems on the net, trying to find some formula or a better rating system that makes dueling players much below less fruitless ...and what are you doing ... ...repeating the same retarded shit that isn't a viable solution, that i understood fucking 2 years ago and you keep repeating it to me like I DON'T UNDERSTAND?
08.04.2015 - 06:50
Yes you look like you don´t understand it. I´ll try to explain to you it again. Low rank for me and most of the players is rank 6 or less. There are many ranks 7 8 9 etc with a decent elo and they are good players and with skills and difficult to beat, i don´t consider it farming. I consider farming playing rank 6 or less especially 3 or 4 or 5, or, ranks 9 or 10 with 860 elo points, that shows you perfectly how good or bad is he in duels.
08.04.2015 - 06:54
Stop copying me, you and pavle. Ty
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08.04.2015 - 06:58
08.04.2015 - 07:00
I normally duel ranks 7 and above. You will find maybe a rank 6, who was the tipical player send you a duel request in the middle of a game. I don´t duel ranks 3 4 or 5 ![]() Neither rp players or unknown players.
08.04.2015 - 07:04
And dude, if i wanted i could duel low ranks but i don´t do. I remember you i´m not premium, so it´s me who join in the duels and try to join usually in a rank 7+
08.04.2015 - 07:09
What you consider is irrelevant, as it is your personal opinion. Then i repeat once more ...you dueled a rank 6 recently. Hypocrite fucking shit. And understand finally, that your words and sentences are understandable ...they are just idiotic as you are.
08.04.2015 - 07:10
Don´t need to insult me ok? am i insulting you? Am i a farmer cause i played lot of turns? What does turns mean? Farming is dueling low ranks who has no chance to beat you, or getting rank 10 or 11 playing RP or only 50k games, or getting rank 10 playing only ancient games or that ancient games 10 turns mayhet or whatever is called. That´s so funny, i´m a farmer when mostly what i play is low money games especially 1v1 3k or 1v1 5k. ![]() If i have played lot of turns is cause i played maybe lot of games, where is the problem in the number of turns? Disagree, u could have called me farmer if i would reached rank 11 with only 200 games won like there are many players, or playing only 300 turns, that´s is really farming too. Lol u are funny and don´t know what are u saying. ![]()
08.04.2015 - 07:15
It´s not only me it´s most of the player about that consideration. So yours is irrelevant too. And if u are talking about a rank 6 i dueled 91 days ago, yes, i did, cause he sent duel request in the middle of a game, but as u can see it´s not my ethic and my normal level in duels. Not the same than u, dueling ranks 5 frecuently.
08.04.2015 - 07:22
Well it looks like you can understand it perfectly when u always reply me.
08.04.2015 - 07:26
I was enjoying watching ur conversation, even thinking about making popcorn, but heeeeey hormiga, dont go that far to say something negative on Goblins duel opponents or something connected with that. U are definitely not allowed to do that.. Everytime I join AW, there is open Goblin's duel and nobody joins there. Once I was chatting with him 10 minutes while he was waiting for opponent. Than some rank 5 joined and, since he was bored of waiting, he played vs him, I would do same on his place. Another thing, take a look on number of Goblins duels, take a look on win/loss ratio, take a look on opponents at global. Now take a look on your duels, your win/loss ratio and your duel opponents. Funny, isnt it? Last thing, I may be Goblins god, but Goblin can certanly be your god, so stop posting your dumby comments trying to compare urself and ur duel list with Goblin. Better go pray to him
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08.04.2015 - 07:29
You can read above ...that that is what i said. Its subjective. #learnenglish Count my duels as they are all visible now and its clear most of my duels are against high ranks. So you saying i frequently duel ranks 5 is not only a lie, but an insult as well.
08.04.2015 - 07:34
Agree with some arguments, cause he for example plays duels mostly. I don´t care about ratio or number of duels, and of course i´m not comparing with him, i´m not obsesed with duels like he does. What i disagree is farming low ranks, lot of times i´m waiting for a long too in my games and join a rank 3 or 4 and i leave the game or tell him not to play, AND IT¨S NOT A DUEL, where u are wining or loosing elo points.
08.04.2015 - 07:36
Sorry but I´ll never pray a farmer and especially a person who is insulting me.
08.04.2015 - 07:38
Goblin farmer? hahahahahxaxaxazazzazaxx Nice drugs, btw
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08.04.2015 - 07:42
Yes, a rank 11 without ethic, playing whatever rank (5 or 12), or elo points (850 or 1500) that joins in his game is a farmer.
08.04.2015 - 07:45
Hormi, I swear to my mother, you are dumbest person I have ever seen on Atwar
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08.04.2015 - 07:55
they can but will be less scarce. meaning their less of a elo pool. If you want to reset elo point you goutta reset eveyone
---- Hi
08.04.2015 - 08:12
¿? Why cause i say the true?
08.04.2015 - 08:17
And u are doing the same? Bah, this is going to anyplace. You are that "dumbest" persons, making that duels with that ranks.
Emin misin?