30.03.2018 - 14:36
I have seen many people making threads about their mutes/bans and that mods are too strick.I am good at giving good points so i am here to voluntary try and be the middle man bewteen you and the Mod. Contact me with pm and explain the situation,the amount of bans/mutes u got in last 3 months and provide me with an ss of the thing and the name of the Mod who muted you and i will try my best to help you.
30.03.2018 - 15:32
No, they should directly come to us. If 2 people can't find a solution, imagine 3 what would accomplish.
30.03.2018 - 15:59
What if the third wasnt feeling the rage of getting 6 months mute and was calm and accually understood that someone abused and would be banned.If community wants it let it happend it wont harm.
30.03.2018 - 16:07
They can just go to a mod of his choice. I don't think their is need for something like a middle man.
---- Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. --Les Brown
31.03.2018 - 07:54
Nice ignoring the person you banned/muted. Thats why there is a need for a middle man.
31.03.2018 - 12:11
Thats called mediation, its an actual degree. It actually pays off.
31.03.2018 - 12:18
Physochology or any other similar study doesn't have anything familiar with AtWar. It's different when 2 people have personal problems, can't find a solution and go to a 3rd person that it's his job to find a middle solution, and different when one can't understand or just won't accept his punishment.
31.03.2018 - 12:59
Especially when they go to the forums immediately after their problem, they don't contact any mods, and don't know what actually happened nor understand the full consequence of their actions.
31.03.2018 - 16:10
Thats why i will be the middle man so no one has those problems.Also how can someone contact you when you ignore them?
31.03.2018 - 17:35
I never ignore people. That is as long as they approach me with reason and intelligence. Most don't even try. I had one guy pr me recently, he had a valid question, but he was super rude. Calling me monkey brained or something like that. I answered his question. Most the time, there isn't really a problem. And if there is one, you can't fix it.
31.03.2018 - 19:06
I am not here to be every troll defender.If i contact you about someon i guarantee you that he wont do something abusive,atleast in the next 2-3 months.I am trying to help.Could we make this deal? You listen what i got to say and then we reach to an agreement.It will make both of our lifes easier and it will help to develop a healthier community.We got nothing to lose by trying it.
01.04.2018 - 03:16
Just believe us and understand that this won't help at all. We get your intentions and all the good vibes but it won't end up good.
01.04.2018 - 05:47
Mediation hasnt got anything to do with psychology*, its simply arbitration where 2 persons disagree on something, the mediator will be the middle-man and try to come to an agreement from both sides. In my opinion mediation should be what moderating is all about, instead of trying to pull the strings and control the community like some dictator. It wouldn't hurt to give up a bit of your sovereignty for the greater good.
If you are somehow trying to direct this at me, once again, and want to start telling lies, once again, i'd tell you to back off for a while, because you are really toxic. You already justified plenty of unreasoned bans and mutes, you never respond back in pr/pm, so dont come here and tell lies and blame it on the 'bad person'.
01.04.2018 - 06:05
Nobody acts like a dictator. Whenever someone has a complaint regarding a punishment he got, we reply and try to explain to him why he deserved it. Most of those people don't want to understand so we stop replying.
01.04.2018 - 06:14
So thats its? I mean don't get me wrong, I am all for punishment and stuff, but how many times have mods not give out of proportion high amount of mutes and bans, for something as simply as global abuse? 9 out of 10 times, people don't go against it because its a lost case complaining about it, since it won't matter at all, because dictator. Like I said above. The more you go against those punishments the more you get labelled as trouble maker and a troll, which will lead into more and more out of proportion amount of mutes and bans. You see where I am going? Its a lost circle for anyone who isn't a moderator. But this still doesnt change the fact that those out of proportion mutes and bans should be dealt with together, instead of 'I am your commander, and you do as I say'.
01.04.2018 - 06:23
I'm sorry to ruin it for you but it that's not the way it goes. You're not considered a troublemaker just because you complaint over a punishment, you are labelled like that as you keep breaking the rules even after being punished before. You will be surprised but the real troublemakers are less than 10. As I said before, there is no dictatorship here, that's all in your mind and a theory you guys have created just because it didn't go your way after you received a punishment. There are people like you Waffel, that do and do and do stuff over and over again and yeah, they receive bigger punishments. I understand that you want to have fun, and most of the times we let it be, we even become a part of it, but you have to understand as well it gets tiring at some point. Respect that.
01.04.2018 - 14:13
What would be the point to contact another mod when most of them buttlick eachother (well except for a few mods but not all players know the right mods to contact). Pretty sure if Lao banned me just now for no reason at all and I cried to CC about it, do you think CC would unban me? Obv. answer, ladies and gentlemen, obv fucking answer. Or if I cried to Eagle... Mods are supposed to be neutral, but instead - they buttlick and hold grudges like rtrds. grow up everyone. If someone wants help from a mod, just contact me - i'll make sure to redirect u to the right mods
01.04.2018 - 14:26
I would hate to be in your position. So much bitterness & hate. Play fair, and don't accuse anyone else of not doing so after you punch them in the throat. Moderators should be neutral, but moderators are people too. Mods have people they don't want to talk to, because they will double cross them, and call them names for no reason at all. Not saying that is right, but it definitely is understandable.
01.04.2018 - 14:35
'hate' and 'truth' are words with different meanings so don't confuse them. I do not hate the mods, I am just being direct and honest- and for that, sometimes u have to show bitterness Yes, mods are people, I agree, but normal players are people too.. or you forgot?
01.04.2018 - 14:44
The mods aren't the only type of people that are busy and have responsibilities, but every single one of us, and with every wrong/unfair/bullshit mod move u do, you also waste our own personal free time, which we decided to spend on enjoying ourselves in a browser game. Tell me, if you had banned someone unfairly for a long period of time and you unbanned the same person 2-3 months later and told him that mods too 'are people and sometimes even they make mistakes', do you think that excuse would have been enough to compensate for the unfair action, for the time the player had been banned? Will you be demoted? No, and no. That's the sad thing. You are so sure of your actions that you don't even give it a second thought, and in the end, when you're the ones that fucked up, it's indeed our fault for making complaints Yes, mods are people, but aren't we people too then? I guess not... So, why don't you be a PAL, and lock this thread. That is my bloody wish...
01.04.2018 - 16:19
Hey jugers try mediating with this guy. Best of luck bud.
01.04.2018 - 16:23
As i saied i wont be troll deffender.I will give everyone a chance.My rule is that if i help someone he will gurante to not do something bad or i will personaly intend to get him more heavily muted/banned.
01.04.2018 - 18:31
Albanian's are far more trustworthy though, Jugers is defiantly the best psychiatrist on AtWar.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
02.04.2018 - 01:12
I don't recall spamming the help chat after I was unbanned or breaking any rules in particular... but yeah, the fact that Lao seems to be ssing almost every single thing I say (when he is the one who pmed me) and put it in the mod forum (cause I know very well what information is being posted on the mod forum, oh believe me), just proves that Lao cares way too much on getting me banned even if there is minimal proof (or no reason at all). Not to mention other kind of stuff i'd like not to mention cause the list would get so big that it might be considered spam and even pillory ;d Truth is I had just been sitting there, enjoying my free time in a game, and then, Lao pmed me for no reason at all and began his daily dose of bs- accusing without single proof like always. Someone just needs to use his demotion hammer on you. I mean, you helped this community a lot with guides, etc.. but you are not for the mod position
02.04.2018 - 01:21
Honey, I think you flatter yourself. I really do think it is cute when people think that they are targeted after breaking the rules... Isn't that how it is supposed to work.
02.04.2018 - 01:24
Such person is no threat for bugs bunny though. There is only 1 person in the entire community who can be called a true enemy. And that person is not an admin or a mod
02.04.2018 - 01:27
02.04.2018 - 08:38
We need a thread where we can discuss which mod should get demoted and why, based on players' opinion. Cause if the majority doesn't want a mod, there is no necessity of keeping that mod
Emin misin?