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Gönderiler: 5   Ziyaret edenler: 65 users
13.05.2023 - 08:49
Dear admins, mods, and helpers:

I would like to propose making it a bannable offense to deliberately leave a game for the purpose of ruining it.

As we all know, atwar is suffering tremendously, so I think we need to dissuade trolls in this environment by banning them when it's obvious they deliberately left turn 1 without sufficient reason. Players can ban other players, but this doesn't stop the troll.
Happiness = reality - expectations
15.05.2023 - 04:34
Message deleted by Dave. Reason: banned user
16.05.2023 - 13:42
Oh boy, I would not be here if that was there
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
23.07.2023 - 02:53
Tarafından yazıldı Tribune Aquila, 13.05.2023 at 08:49

Dear admins, mods, and helpers:

I would like to propose making it a bannable offense to deliberately leave a game for the purpose of ruining it.

As we all know, atwar is suffering tremendously, so I think we need to dissuade trolls in this environment by banning them when it's obvious they deliberately left turn 1 without sufficient reason. Players can ban other players, but this doesn't stop the troll.

Only if its done múltiple times id say because maybe smn has to leave bc they have to go and didint realize. Maybe a small sp cost for leaving/timeouting before u play at least 3 turns or 5
24.03.2024 - 08:37
This is the only way to redeem Casuals

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