03.11.2024 - 16:30
If throwing hate at some players in some games has become part of the game, I think that many times we have gone too far with our offenses, personally I have had my differences with people like palmitas, ihy, temp, etc., but I think it should pass from a common insult between friends to spending the whole day bothering someone just because. It is not right, we have to stop with this type of harassment, mainly the competitive section has become one of the most toxic, I ask please that we tone down the aggressiveness a few tones, here we come to have fun and make good friends, I have already had the joy to know some players in person and I am happy about it because they are all great guys, so guys let's learn to divide the line of what is the game and what is personal, for example the relationship of hate and love of mine and Zappa although we fought all the time I love him for a long time and I know he loves me too, let's make this coming Christmas a memorable time for all of our community of nerds in Atwar, blessings!!!!
03.11.2024 - 16:59
Tell temp to stop doing weird bs in cws then
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03.11.2024 - 18:14
https://prnt.sc/l0UZpRSSiDCH pavle without a doubt I have loved your style of dancing!!!!!
03.11.2024 - 18:16 hermano parece que entendiste nada de lo que escribí arriba Dios dejen al pobre temp en paz!!!!
03.11.2024 - 18:43
Maybe he shouldn't be forcing Zappa to play 12 turns more on a lost game when Zappa had to sleep and he has a child
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03.11.2024 - 19:10
This is a great post by Dominicano. Him and I have our differences, at one point he made me delete my account because of how retarded he is but we came together and apologized like gentlemen and befriended each other. I'm not pointing fingers, I'm simply stating that the competitive scene is dead as it already is. It's always one-two clans online cwing each other a day. Set aside your petty "I'm not playing if _____ is gonna play" beefs. It's either play atwar or don't at all lol
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03.11.2024 - 19:34
Here my two cents on the topic itself: If temp just apologizes for his attitude he has had in the cw's against zappa and Palm even I would have no problem apologizing to him for throwing random insults at him throughout the day (that I did primarily for his heavy handed and unsportsmanlike attitude in the cw's, but if he matures and apologizes I can do the same with him and even coach him now that he also wants to dabble in making maps and scenarios). And temp is not the only one I have had problems with (ajem, pavle), but I agree with what dominicano mentions as long as we all improve our attitude. Shalom aleichem
03.11.2024 - 19:45
Tell Temp to apologize then. Because he has 0 intention of apologizing and still accuses me of making panda delete his account... which btw i'm sure there is much more than that than me just nuking belli's elo. What he did with the Patricky thing he claims that "I deserved no advantage because I was losing" which in the first place I believe It was a 50/50, he also claims Patricky had a sp lead which is true, but only of 10 SP lol. it was only 20 minutes, so why not move to casual for 20 minutes and win legally? If he was so confident of winning normally... instead of abusing me being afk for 5 turns. And after this, I had no reason why to keep playing him. But I still decided to continue playing him. Then on a turn 11, a lategame, where Zappa had double the unit count, he abused the fact that it was 12am in Spain and Zappa had to work the next day, and used every 4 minutes he had despite only having 4 units left at one point, until turn 23, where Zappa finally was able to kill him entirely. That's vile, even more knowing Zappa has a kid to feed. I'm not going back on this. I gave him a second chance, no reason to give him a third. How do I know Temp won't do this again? Its sad that people are playing dirty on a game that is half-dead. And it's not even an Enigma thing. You don't do it, Rain doesn't do it, Patricky doesn't do it, Luci doesn't do it, Luke doesn't do it. And it's not even a punishment for him or something, it's just to avoid problems. Because rn u asked for cw 15 minutes ago with temp, but soon I gotta go sleep. How do I know he won't over-extend his stay in the game? I have no guarantee in that. And that is the issue.
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03.11.2024 - 19:48
Tempest has apologized numerous of times in which you and the others he has beefs with have slam shut the door of return in his face without giving it any thought. I agree that him playing extra turns when it was a clear lost game when Zappa had to leave was a dick move, however that's nothing to beef about in my most neutral opinion as possible. I haven't forgotten the cw against Prestige with Beserok and Pavle in which it was up for grabs early on into the game that I dc'ed and Pavle didn't want to delete the cw. I get that, it's part of the game and in truth, if that cw was deleted I do think we'll be first right now and I do think that cw is going to play a crucial role in who wins the season, however I'm not throwing a tantrum and saying I'll only cw Prestige if Pavle doesn't play, it's just petty. In the end, Zappa and your clan won against us GG move on. Just my 2 cents as-well.
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03.11.2024 - 19:51
Read my response to IHY in tempest apologizing. As for you and your clanmates having limited time to cw, I advice you don't look for a cw at all if you have such a limited time. You're hoping and praying the game ends before you have to go which is a 50/50 chance you have to choose to make. If you decide to cw with X amount of times remaining before you gtg, then don't complain if a game takes more than that time. It's no on else's but yours if you have to go mid game and you knew before hand. In terms of emergencies, I get it and I'll make sure my clan ties whenever it's an emergency.
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03.11.2024 - 19:55
Temp never apologized to me though ! And even then, the problem was not that Zappa had to sleep, coz when u cw u know that risk like you said. If it was until turn 50 and it was equal and decided by SP he would have stayed and not complained. Like you said in your response to IHY, he did a total dick move. Because he lost and he still played only to keep Zappa awake longer for absolutely no reason, because in that timespan we could have made a re (which we offered by the way!)
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03.11.2024 - 19:58
The way I see things, this can be easily resolved if you hear out Tempest and accept his apologies. In return, not only you but your clan such as Zappa and IHY included will stop chirping at him whenever he loses or you guys are spectating our games. I have no issue at you guys chirping at me, I'm one of the biggest reasons why AW was and probably is still toxic, I know how to take banters. If you accept that, then you have a deal.
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03.11.2024 - 20:03
Ok, Tempest apologies, and we will accept it. But if he EVER, and i say EVER again does something similar, like telling patricky to not move to casual or overextending on purpose just to be a dickhead, do not expect us to ever accept him to cw again. No matter the apologies, the cries, an entire crypost or whatever shit he wants.
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03.11.2024 - 21:43
I couldn't agree more with dominicano, and that's why I feel that we should give people a chance, accept our differences, leave behind our hatred and personal resentments and just play the game we all love.
03.11.2024 - 21:43
Como que sabia que vos eras tremendo marihuano con esa foto de perfil pregonando amor y paz jkhjjigjfgkhf
03.11.2024 - 21:48
04.11.2024 - 01:29
Dominicano, you are so cool, man. When I grow up I want to be just like you.
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04.11.2024 - 02:25
I agree with you Domi.. We should stop hating each other and be toxic. Except towards tempest, he is retard, we should bully him.
04.11.2024 - 03:58
Tempest actually benefits from the toxicity being hurled against him, because he needs it. For his own good
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
04.11.2024 - 05:36
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04.11.2024 - 09:32
You are right, there are those who harass someone for trivial reasons ![]() ![]()
---- Castro said"Workers and farmers. This is the socialist and democratic revolution carried out by the humble, with the humble and for the humble." Guevara said "If revolution is an urgent need, it must win." Muhammad Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al-Qudwa Al-Husseini, known as "Yasser Arafat", and his nickname is "Abu Ammar", and "Arafat" is considered one of the symbols of the Palestinian struggle movement against the Israeli occupatio
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