I was specing two of my clanmates cwing when one of them lost his internet ~t4. Game was in my opinion 55/45 in Prestiges favor yet the game was too early to call (my opinion). Dominoz did lose his internet before hand and they had to remake, and in the remake he lost his internet due to a storm where he lives. Additionally, Dominoz did claim he had 3-4k to rush Ankara, which again shows that game was too early to call.
1. He lost his connection at turn 5 (Played until t5) ~ your own screenshot shows last active (last played) turn 4.
2. Turn 5:
3. "Game was in my opinion 55/45 in Prestiges favor"
4. Our unit count was 2x on turn 5
5. Dominoz was blitz, UK was imp - what is the win condition for them here?
6. Are we going to make cry topics about every cw now?
I would delete - like I say so often, I'm not here to win every game I enter by any means possible.
When you look back 10 years later, what are you going to look more favourably upon
Alıntı yap:
I played a game where this guy disconnected, it wasn't much of a game but hey he was blitz so I would probably have won and I won, so that's all that matters!
Alıntı yap:
I played a long game where this guy disconnected, I probably could have won, but we both had fun and played well and that's what matters.
Why so much effort to delete an early season CW from a t5 disconnect? Why does this request feel so weird? What happened to the time of AW when you just took the loss and won it back? Why did this deserve a forum post? What the hell is going on here? Is this the sixth question I've asked? Did you just count the number of questions I asked?
Why so much effort to delete an early season CW from a t5 disconnect? Why does this request feel so weird? What happened to the time of AW when you just took the loss and won it back? Why did this deserve a forum post? What the hell is going on here? Is this the sixth question I've asked? Did you just count the number of questions I asked?
If you wanna say no, you can say no. We just want an answer.