Tarafından yazıldı Dave, 15.02.2021 at 04:29
100 pc reward for every player which surrvive cw + betting and rewards.
Without that, be happy with current situation (which trust me or not, cn become even worse, very soon).
Betting is coming.... its slow because I've been busy with other things, but it will arrive...
that would be cool and it should be applied to regular games too, like spectators can bet on specific players to entice them to stay & watch
Happiness = reality - expectations
Idk why u think that people would cw a guy again who rewalled,serbwalled or did other shits vs them. maybe officially make some rules about rewall or if you dc no one will tie and shit so that no fight will ever happen again.
its all because of kids like froyer who think they are fani
Tarafından yazıldı Alex, 15.02.2021 at 11:16
Every year the same shit: campers, too much inactivity, dodgers, and croat flaming each time a clan for camping (thankfully he didnt name the clan this year). From what i see from my experience in the last 3 seasons that i was an active competitive player is that theres always a boom in the start of the season when it comes to games (usually because people dont care for elo and try to become better and are hyped for the new season)and less games at the end of the season (duh). In summer orca had like god knows how many cws per day at the start, but after 1-2 months they stopped playing. In autumn, the same thing for Enigma and Ship, a lot of cws at the beggining but after 1-2 months the cws slowed or stopped. Now in the winter the same, noobs and narcos and hellenism had crraazzy amount of cws at the beggining and now they dropped. So what do i want to say with what i said above is that you just cant expect people to be as active as they were in the start and being consistantly active at the end of the season, at this point its not even about campers because the 1 camping cln cant affect the entire damn activity in such a degree theres other things that affect the activily like personal life, change of preference in the maps maybe, who knows, theres many reasons.
You yourself with Orca went in summer inactive the last month because you guys had other stuff in your real lifes to do or because you were burnt out from how many games you played at the start of the season, narcos this season after many games at the start, they stopped because their clan mate got banned and joseph started scenarios again after that, for Hellenism Bella got married so he has other things to do now, in autumn in ship i remember we stopped cwing after what happened with Same, i could bring more examples to prove that its not just camping the reason why you dont find cws, some people just want to come and chill and chat when you see them on but /afk. Is there camping? There is, . Are people dodging a clan/player because of personal reasons? Yes. But is that the only reasons why people dont cw you or anyone in general? I feel like the answer is no, even tho from what you have posted you are giving me those kind of vibes, that the community is consisted mostly of dickheads who just want to camp and dodge clans just because of personal differencies and ego issues who want to be 1st place.
Oh and btw something else i wanted to add is that the War tourney that you had done some months ago was a very good way to compete without dodging/camping, i feel like it should become something official and be played every time every season, like how football has normal leagues and then theres the cup, it should become something like that (in my humble opinion of course).
well said
"You're aren't " - epic backflip
To be honest, it's sad to see that players care so much about seasonal trophy, as much that they are ready to camp (or fake camp, playing a cw now and then with the main team just to "show that they are not camping") for 10 or more weeks just to get that trophy. We are a small community, with less than (or around) 30 active cw players, and half of these decide to camp after a month....
"My brain wants to blow out of my skull seeking for CW for hours and days"
Bro imagine you spend that time in gym xd
Big Croat 2022 mr Olympia
Kaska Gönderiler: 1404 Ülke: Fransa
Tarafından yazıldı Xenomega, 15.02.2021 at 11:10
Tarafından yazıldı Kaska, 15.02.2021 at 04:11
well said lil man
Stfu kid
Tarafından yazıldı Dave, 15.02.2021 at 04:29
100 pc reward for every player which surrvive cw + betting and rewards.
Without that, be happy with current situation (which trust me or not, cn become even worse, very soon).
Betting is coming.... its slow because I've been busy with other things, but it will arrive...
that would be cool and it should be applied to regular games too, like spectators can bet on specific players to entice them to stay & watch
With the pc thing, you guys have to realize how many more people would join and how much money they'd be losing. I'd love to hop into cw with other ballsy mid ranks but this shit can't keep happening. This shit is like the ufc and one clan has the title (not mentioning names) but won't fight other clans out of fear of losing it. In the real world buddy you would be gone.
https://prnt.sc/12264t3 https://prnt.sc/124ssoi https://prnt.sc/125jy84
Not interesting
Sometimes it's better to be quiet.
Maybe ban for using multiple accounts literally in every single game will be more interesting to you? 
Or maybe ban for farming more than 160 Elo through your alts?
Looks like ranks 4 and 5 know the best... D
Mo who played 7 years, know nothing.
Tarafından yazıldı Croat, 20.02.2021 at 06:39
Not interesting
Sometimes it's better to be quiet.
Maybe ban for using multiple accounts literally in every single game will be more interesting to you? 
Or maybe ban for farming more than 160 Elo through your alts? 
Are you threatening to enforce the rules because he's disagreeing with you? Should be doing that anyway man. This whole comment sounds super corrupt.
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 21.02.2021 at 00:08
Tarafından yazıldı Croat, 20.02.2021 at 06:39
Not interesting
Sometimes it's better to be quiet.
Maybe ban for using multiple accounts literally in every single game will be more interesting to you? 
Or maybe ban for farming more than 160 Elo through your alts? 
Are you threatening to enforce the rules because he's disagreeing with you? Should be doing that anyway man. This whole comment sounds super corrupt.
He brought attention to himself and got banned for cheating after someone checked his profile. There's nothing corrupt there.
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 21.02.2021 at 00:08
Are you threatening to enforce the rules because he's disagreeing with you? Should be doing that anyway man. This whole comment sounds super corrupt.
No, sir.
You are right. I shouldn't be checking suspicious accounts that disagree with some of mine threads in public forum. Such guys are free to break the rules, I shouldn't be punishing them. Enforcing rules is reserved only for friends who agree with me. I am sorry for being corrupted. And I would like to have your mega developed logic as well.
Damn it's almost impressive how fast you're able to accelerate into being an asshole. Almost.
It reads like you punished a guy for being impolite. Even with your explanation it sounds like you only investigated his account because he said something rude. Besides that, what made his account "suspicious"? Would you have checked it if the guy had been on your side? Seems doubtful to me.
At best it's a case of y'all not having the tools or time to catch violations in real time, which is understandable, and you just happened to check his account and find the violation as part of your ordinary monitoring. At worst it's a case of you looking for a violation because you didn't like the guy and happening to find one. If that's the case, the corrupt part isn't that you punished him, but that you went looking for an excuse to.
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 21.02.2021 at 00:08
Tarafından yazıldı Croat, 20.02.2021 at 06:39
Not interesting
Sometimes it's better to be quiet.
Maybe ban for using multiple accounts literally in every single game will be more interesting to you? 
Or maybe ban for farming more than 160 Elo through your alts? 
Are you threatening to enforce the rules because he's disagreeing with you? Should be doing that anyway man. This whole comment sounds super corrupt.
He brought attention to himself and got banned for cheating after someone checked his profile. There's nothing corrupt there.
Him being punished isn't the (potentially) corrupt part. It's that it sounds like a mod intentionally went looking for a reason to punish him because he was impolite. Of course it's also possible that Croat routinely checks the profiles of people who respond to his forum posts. I'm sure you know him better than me, so you'll know how likely that is.
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 07.03.2021 at 23:14
Damn it's almost impressive how fast you're able to accelerate into being an asshole. Almost.
It reads like you punished a guy for being impolite. Even with your explanation it sounds like you only investigated his account because he said something rude. Besides that, what made his account "suspicious"? Would you have checked it if the guy had been on your side? Seems doubtful to me.
At best it's a case of y'all not having the tools or time to catch violations in real time, which is understandable, and you just happened to check his account and find the violation as part of your ordinary monitoring. At worst it's a case of you looking for a violation because you didn't like the guy and happening to find one. If that's the case, the corrupt part isn't that you punished him, but that you went looking for an excuse to.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Tarafından yazıldı Croat, 08.03.2021 at 01:21
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 07.03.2021 at 23:14
Damn it's almost impressive how fast you're able to accelerate into being an asshole. Almost.
It reads like you punished a guy for being impolite. Even with your explanation it sounds like you only investigated his account because he said something rude. Besides that, what made his account "suspicious"? Would you have checked it if the guy had been on your side? Seems doubtful to me.
At best it's a case of y'all not having the tools or time to catch violations in real time, which is understandable, and you just happened to check his account and find the violation as part of your ordinary monitoring. At worst it's a case of you looking for a violation because you didn't like the guy and happening to find one. If that's the case, the corrupt part isn't that you punished him, but that you went looking for an excuse to.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Love the maturity from one of our esteemed moderators
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 07.03.2021 at 23:18
went looking for a reason to punish him
Actually it looks like you're looking for a reason to call him corrupted...
Also Dugout Doug's comment is suspicious anyway.
Tarafından yazıldı Croat, 08.03.2021 at 01:21
Tarafından yazıldı McHammers1, 07.03.2021 at 23:14
Damn it's almost impressive how fast you're able to accelerate into being an asshole. Almost.
It reads like you punished a guy for being impolite. Even with your explanation it sounds like you only investigated his account because he said something rude. Besides that, what made his account "suspicious"? Would you have checked it if the guy had been on your side? Seems doubtful to me.
At best it's a case of y'all not having the tools or time to catch violations in real time, which is understandable, and you just happened to check his account and find the violation as part of your ordinary monitoring. At worst it's a case of you looking for a violation because you didn't like the guy and happening to find one. If that's the case, the corrupt part isn't that you punished him, but that you went looking for an excuse to.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Bla bla
The constant cw's bothers me, sometimes I don't have enough time for them...
"A good leader is one that cares more about his people than his own ideas" - Josip Broz (Tito)
The constant cw's bothers me, sometimes I don't have enough time for them...
No rules saying you have to play them everyday mate, just play when you can or feel like and if others cry about it then that's their problem. This whole thing is a little different to that issue so you're fine.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
 50 turns cw and he rewall, lol.
I didnt knew rewalls are that fun.
This ss does not show rewall, u claim i rewalled so much maybe double should have ss so we can see game movment, i didnt rewall
u said madrid was a rweall, maybe u should ask osix why he didnt break the damn wall for 2-3 turns
This ss does not show rewall
Dio mio.
Tarafından yazıldı bilawi, 18.04.2021 at 19:03
Someone say you lobe me
You lobe me