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14.07.2016 - 17:24
As a new player I am wondering why it is legal or atleast not delt with, people playing multible accounts in the same game. This game actulay is rather fun and enjoyable at its core but many of my games several accounts just make bombers and attack cities before the "main"account attack to grab it. That it's done so obviously just make it sad. This is also present in games where you cant allie.

If you want new people to come to the game which i asume you do why is this then so commen? I might only be rank 4 and playing casuale games but is that like a feature to power level SP for accounts in? are we all surposed to do this? and if yes! whats the point of it then.

I am just wondering because I have a feeling that new players that might be interstied in the game stop playing it rather fast, and the ones that stay learn from it and dos the exact same thing, thus enforcing what i presive to be a problem.

I apologize for my rather poor english, hope it was understandable.
14.07.2016 - 18:10
Tarafından yazıldı WiseguyDK, 14.07.2016 at 17:24

My apologies for any negative and or suspicious activities in this game. It is difficult to play a game with 2 or more accounts, but it is possible. Doing this is indeed against the rules of the game. Next time you experience this, take a screenshot and pm it to the mods. If you need absolutely anything feel free to contact me via pm or pr.

On a side note, I will help you look into the problem at hand. Look at your game history (on your profile), what game was it that this person played on two different accounts? If you are able to identify the game, we might be able to bring this to justice.
14.07.2016 - 18:25
Thanks for the reply.

The formost rason why i wrote the post was actulay not for me personaly, but for the game, because this can't make new players feel good about the game and I think the game is actulay really nice.

If you want exampels, the my current last game calld Europe FFA where I lose with 77 Sp. COBRA.zzzzzzzz and Cronibdis was clearly playing together.

A difrent game also called Europe FFA which is 6 games ago my game list only says 3 players but the winner Atlas. clearly played together with Golem 2.0 whom isnt on the game list I have no clue why not. If you can watch this game which you probaly cant you would see it so obvious, and sorry i cant remember the other games it happened in.

However if it happents with the frequency that I "feel" it dos and taken how many players play this game it's not really so much about the "insert bad name here" I meet, I was just trying to say it seam to me like there is a problem that can very easily scare away a lot of new players and since most games get better with higher player base i just like to point it out. makes me feel like I did something for the game to
14.07.2016 - 18:33
Tarafından yazıldı WiseguyDK, 14.07.2016 at 18:25

Alright, reported to mods. They will check out and see if your assumptions are correct. Also, if a player leaves a game then there will be no history of them playing it.
14.07.2016 - 19:34
Why do alts come on posting this stuff?
14.07.2016 - 20:03
Tarafından yazıldı Google, 14.07.2016 at 18:33

Alright, reported to mods. They will check out and see if your assumptions are correct. Also, if a player leaves a game then there will be no history of them playing it.

Thanks for the report.

Tarafından yazıldı WiseguyDK, 14.07.2016 at 18:25

If you want exampels, the my current last game calld Europe FFA where I lose with 77 Sp. COBRA.zzzzzzzz and Cronibdis was clearly playing together.

There does not appear to be a link between the accounts COBRA.zzzzzzzz and Cronibdis. They may have just been friends and pr'd each other in game.

Tarafından yazıldı WiseguyDK, 14.07.2016 at 18:25

A difrent game also called Europe FFA which is 6 games ago my game list only says 3 players but the winner Atlas. clearly played together with Golem 2.0 whom isnt on the game list I have no clue why not. If you can watch this game which you probaly cant you would see it so obvious, and sorry i cant remember the other games it happened in.

There does appear to be a link between Atlas. and Golem2.0, as they have shared an IP address at some point. They have been dealt with.

Remember that not all people acting together will be the same person, it might just be friends called up to help them. Sure it's unfair to have secret alliances before a game starts, but there's nothing we can do about that.
15.07.2016 - 06:51
Change settings and make it so people can only join t0
Someone Better Than You
15.07.2016 - 13:03
Rank up fast and play with pros and you won't face such problems.
15.07.2016 - 13:09
They could have been friends.. I suggest you bring friend to play with you. so you can gangbang and take out opponent together or with multiple friend... This is why I don't like roleplay games.
16.07.2016 - 12:36
If you see it happening just pm a moderator
27.07.2016 - 09:28
Locking this topic on that note seeing as the OP got his issue settled.

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