I have been in a few Age of Empires games and leading the game. Play my turn and leave the room, then return the next day to play my turn and it show I have left the game. Any insight on how this is going on. I know sometimes it might be a abandon game but the system warns you will loose all earned SP before you can leave. I am getting now warning.
This glitch is getting me a bit angry. I will be around 2,800 troops or more, 300 countries and cities. And around 1700SP earned in game, next closest player has about half of what I have and then I abandon the game? Just to return the next turn to join again.
It makes no sense in this. Would like a MOD or Admin to look into this please.
Tarafından yazıldı Drammor2, 26.10.2016 at 11:13
Play my turn and leave the room
Sure you clicked in 'go to lobby' and not in 'abandon the game' ?It's a very common thing.
Yes I am sure. Its happened twice in the past week. Abandon game also gives you a warning before you leave that you will loose SP earned.
Tarafından yazıldı Drammor2, 26.10.2016 at 12:44
Yes I am sure. Its happened twice in the past week. Abandon game also gives you a warning before you leave that you will loose SP earned.
Send 2-3 pms to opi. Hes the guy you looking for to get help about this issue
Tarafından yazıldı AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2016 at 13:33
Tarafından yazıldı Drammor2, 26.10.2016 at 12:44
Yes I am sure. Its happened twice in the past week. Abandon game also gives you a warning before you leave that you will loose SP earned.
Send 2-3 pms to opi. Hes the guy you looking for to get help about this issue
suck opi dick a little more why dont ya