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Gönderiler: 3   Ziyaret edenler: 57 users
24.11.2011 - 19:29
Alright, I know the original I made was a bit hard to read (A LOT!) so i'm going to be going through every continent, and marking what each country is! First, I started with Echo, since I already knew all of them without having to go back and look in my notes. Here they are! (Note, every few months ill update the map with new borders etc., so don't be mad if your country seems small when it should be large now etc).


Checo-Slovak Legion

Dutch Arrogance

Dutch Pride

The Entente


Impervm Trollorvm


Philosophorum Silvis

The Assasins

The Dead Rabbits

Victis Honor
24.11.2011 - 22:06
You would give Entente the most land lol Ulap has way more member than Entente
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
24.11.2011 - 22:41
Tarafından yazıldı FaLLenXH3R0ESx, 24.11.2011 at 22:06

You would give Entente the most land lol Ulap has way more member than Entente

# of members = tier 1 province level
W/L cln war = tier 2 province level
tier 3 province level


The Entente has 40 members, our W/L is 3/3 so we gain nor lose any provinces for this. The Entente has the vast land from annexation and recruitment. Empire SRB's land is much, much bigger if you include it's puppet states. Ulap is not even close to the size of either clan due to many cln war losses. That's how it works. I should also mention, any coalition that has not played a clan war has exactly half the number of provinces they would if they had. So, if an inactive clan has 10 members, they get 5 provinces.

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