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04.07.2020 - 00:08
I am blue playing against green .. I have two Sea transport exposed to attack (see pic below) .. I wanna take Sweden using the transport near Germany and Turkey using the transport near Greece

my question is: how do I move units in the best way possible to avoid my sea transport getting killed/TBed

My moves plan was in this order:
1) move the bottom sea transport to Athens
2) move the top sea transport near Germany closer to Berlin to avoid it being killed
3 and 4) load that sea transport near Berlin and send it to Stockholm
5) send units from Athens to Ankara

does this order make sense? does it give me the best chance of not getting TBed?

like when I move that sea transport units near Germany (move # 2) I will move it again to go to Stockholm (move#4) .. I am guessing the TB chance % will consider this move #2 and not #4 if it was attacked ... yes?

P.S .. please dont take discussion into you should not take Turkey/Sweden etc .. thats not my point .. I am just asking about the order of the priority moves ... as its still not very clear to me how it works with transports

04.07.2020 - 04:38
Your move order seems correct

not 100% sure if im correct or if my info is up-to-date, but if it is trans-escape bug could ensure ur troops get sent to the location, the trans-escape bug being that you move your transport into the troop instead of moving the troops into the transport. but of course if the city ur troop is sent from is tbed then overall units still wont send

someone correct me if im wrong
04.07.2020 - 06:41
If you move troops into the transport before moving the transport out, your chances of getting tbed become lower

04.07.2020 - 07:26
Tarafından yazıldı LukeTan, 04.07.2020 at 06:41

If you move troops into the transport before moving the transport out, your chances of getting tbed become lower

and that would be because the number of units in stack is gonna be higher aye (16 vs 1).. like that

but then I would risk losing all them 15 troops without even fighting if the trans gets killed

so doesnt this way make a bit more sense so at least i dont risk those 15 units getting killed?

or it doesnt really matter cuz the trans can still be intercepted and they would die anyway

Someone also suggested that I should leave one unit behind like this

so many questions .. so few brain cells
04.07.2020 - 07:37
Tarafından yazıldı Mesopotamia, 04.07.2020 at 07:26

so doesnt this way make a bit more sense so at least i dont risk those 15 units getting killed?

If you're going to lose the game if your transport doesn't move (eg turn is a multiple of 4, it's a rush etc) you might as well risk it

Otherwise do whatever you want

04.07.2020 - 16:01
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Tarafından yazıldı LukeTan, 04.07.2020 at 06:41

If you move troops into the transport before moving the transport out, your chances of getting tbed become lower

That's just asking your opponent to sink 15 troops into the ocean.
04.07.2020 - 23:06
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Move transport near germany first.
Load troops into it
Hit sweden

Buy a new transport in athens
Take Ankara
05.07.2020 - 08:29
Tarafından yazıldı Lelouch., 04.07.2020 at 16:01

Tarafından yazıldı LukeTan, 04.07.2020 at 06:41

If you move troops into the transport before moving the transport out, your chances of getting tbed become lower

That's just asking your opponent to sink 15 troops into the ocean.

If you're going to lose the game if that transport doesn't move, 15 units is nothing.

01.06.2022 - 05:00
More generally does someone know who move first in this game ?
If my troops leave a city to take another one.
Mean while I m being attack in my city.. Will the attack happen before or after my troops left ?
Hos does it work ?
15.06.2022 - 19:50
Tarafından yazıldı Lelouch., 04.07.2020 at 16:01

Tarafından yazıldı LukeTan, 04.07.2020 at 06:41

If you move troops into the transport before moving the transport out, your chances of getting tbed become lower

That's just asking your opponent to sink 15 troops into the ocean.

because ukraine is gonna send 8 bombers to that trans in athens
15.06.2022 - 19:52
Tarafından yazıldı panache144, 01.06.2022 at 05:00

More generally does someone know who move first in this game ?
If my troops leave a city to take another one.
Mean while I m being attack in my city.. Will the attack happen before or after my troops left ?
Hos does it work ?

if you move the troops out as your first move and the opponent attacks the city as their last move, you will move the troops out and the opponent will attack that city

if you move the troops out as your last move and the opponent attacks the city as their first move, they will attack your city with your troops still inside

the whole mechanic is based off which moves you or the opponent makes first

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