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Gönderiler: 3   Ziyaret edenler: 52 users
20.03.2011 - 21:27
Well i was thinking there are more maps of earth you can chose yet there are alternet reality maps i was thinking of and i will give some ideas but i know it a long shot that it will ever happend. the good thing is you dont have to change the units unless you rilly want to.
ok if you know what command and conquer is you know what im thinking of the Tiberium universe i thought it would be cool. the cool thing is you dont have to do a red alert map since you can jest start a game and call it red alert lol. but if you want to add my idea of alternitive reality maps that would be cool to.
kane:You cant Kill the messiah!
shepard: BUT I CAN!!
*die mother f-er starts to play as he fires a missile from an orca and "kills" kane.*
20.03.2011 - 21:38
I like this idea, sadly making other maps is supposedly impossible at the moment.
20.03.2011 - 23:41
Admins already said, no cust maps

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