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15.04.2011 - 21:11
1) The slider can be cumbersome and slow at times. The ability to select a single unit for defense lines, etc would be appreciated.
Somewhat related, adding a button on each unit group in a stack to board the transports. Currently, I have to use the slider to select the proper amount, and that can also feel clunky. (Instead of buttons, a text field to input any number of selections would be even better!)

2) When a player makes a settings change proposal, many players don't even notice (or don't care), and click close. Requiring a player to accept or decline the changes proposed would be beneficial to all, I believe.

3) This is the biggest one, and probably the one that won't fly. I strongly dislike 2 minute games, I prefer to drink my coffee and enjoy a relaxing, slow paced game, chatting with players and having fun. If I start a game with a 2 minute timer and then propose 3 minutes after some weeks, no one accepts and I usually leave the game. If I start a game with a 10 minute timer, no one seems to remember to click end turn when they're done.

I propose a dynamic turn timer. After so many turns, an extra minute would be automatically added. The details of this can be worked out, but that's the basic idea. Add it to game options, or however it could best be implemented.
Perhaps just a checkbox: "Add X time after Y turns"
Someone mentioned this in a game I was in, so I figured I might as well put it on the fourm.

Thanks for the great game! If all of these have been brought up before, feel free to delete thread.
15.04.2011 - 22:18
I like! The dynamic turn timer really caught my eye, although the proposals have been mentioned before.
16.04.2011 - 00:25
Whether these sudgestions are easy or not im not sure but 1 and 3 would be nice. 2 is impratical just wastes time if you want people to vote u got have a discussion first.
16.04.2011 - 01:01
I hope number 3 is never implemented, either play or drink your coffee. 2 min turns are fine in most maps, you might need 3 minutes in eurasia and africa and bigger with specific strategies that need much micro.
16.04.2011 - 03:40
Please. If you don't want to play 2 minute turns, you man up and don't join 2-min turn games. there is NOTHING I fond more annoying than people who want to change turn time midway through a game.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
16.04.2011 - 04:01
1) Good idea, also, if keyboard hotkeys come out, you could just type the number of units you want moved, if you type more than you have it produces more units
jk, it just picks up your whole stack haha. (lolololol imagine 100 afterwinds.)

2) No, that would be annoying, speak with people in game for there vote, if they all propose the same change in game settings, a vote won't even be needed, it will change next turn.

3) Toughen up dude, if you don't like it and ask for a vote, don't rage quit when someone doesn't agree because they chose the game settings and intend for it to be played that way.
16.04.2011 - 05:21
I think That the timer does need work. though your idea would slow the game down considerably. Maybe alowing a 20second extention button on the bottom by the end turn button you can only use maybe every 10 turns or so that adds another use after so many turns would work here
Example: first 10 turns go by you get 1 and dont use it then another 10 go buy and now your finding you need more time. so now you have 2 turns where you can extend YOUR turn only by 20 seconds.
Where's the BEEF!
16.04.2011 - 07:55
1. What about "scrolling" (Mouse scrollwheel) to select 1 unit at a time? Might be useful.
16.04.2011 - 09:25
 Amok (Yönetici)
Tarafından yazıldı Rawk, 15.04.2011 at 21:11

1) The slider can be cumbersome and slow at times. The ability to select a single unit for defense lines, etc would be appreciated.

You can already do this by clicking on the numbers next to the slider.
16.04.2011 - 10:25
Tarafından yazıldı Amok, 16.04.2011 at 09:25

You can already do this by clicking on the numbers next to the slider.

Oh, thanks. That's a help!
16.04.2011 - 11:06
Tarafından yazıldı Amok, 16.04.2011 at 09:25

Tarafından yazıldı Rawk, 15.04.2011 at 21:11

1) The slider can be cumbersome and slow at times. The ability to select a single unit for defense lines, etc would be appreciated.

You can already do this by clicking on the numbers next to the slider.

Has it always been like that? I just discovered...wonder how many other hidden gems there are.
16.04.2011 - 11:17
 Amok (Yönetici)
Tarafından yazıldı Guest14502, 16.04.2011 at 11:06

Has it always been like that? I just discovered...wonder how many other hidden gems there are.

It's been like this almost from the beginning . There are other things, like clicking and holding the +/- buttons when buying units, or clicking on the unit icon in the city menu to move all units of that type.
17.04.2011 - 10:18
I just want a way to move air and land units the same time not two different moves..... this is critical when playing an advance player
17.04.2011 - 11:23
Tarafından yazıldı MarcJr, 17.04.2011 at 10:18

I just want a way to move air and land units the same time not two different moves..... this is critical when playing an advance player

like you?
17.04.2011 - 12:06
I came in to say clicking the numbers increases by one, can't believe people played without knowing about it.
17.04.2011 - 15:20
Back to those with issues with number 3, I belive the clock idea is ment to be a pregame option. He isnt sudgesting that all games should be like this.
18.04.2011 - 09:04
Tarafından yazıldı Psychostick, 17.04.2011 at 11:23

Tarafından yazıldı MarcJr, 17.04.2011 at 10:18

I just want a way to move air and land units the same time not two different moves..... this is critical when playing an advance player

like you?

do you consider myself as an advance player?
18.04.2011 - 09:50
Alıntı yap:
Alıntı yap:

do you consider myself as an advance player?

I'd hope anyone over level 6 is an advanced player....
Bow down before the mathmagician

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