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29.06.2012 - 02:21
Why do you play? What fuels your drive? Why isn't everyone else as fueled and pumped as you when playing a match? Many reasons, which should be addressed in various forms, but is "Perfection" a goal, or a speed-bump? What do players want out of Afterwind? Well, in my experience, I've wanted Strategy, Fun, Incentive, [/b]Lust[/b], and [/b]Experience[/b]. Think of it as a "Golden Pentagon"; Five important points to create the whole shape that is Afterwind. May I mind you, this is just how I currently see it, and it is very vague in some areas.

By "Strategy", I mean the overall aspect of using my head to plan-out different campaigns and strikes, Basic Strategy. If I were to grade Afterwind's overall Strategy at the moment, I would give it a 7/10. It lacks in a few crucial fields, but is overall playable for a strategically orientated player seeking a greater mentally-stimulating experience. I would suggest more options included that players enjoy using as Brain-food, an example is TurnBlock v2, the old method. Some players enjoy it, but not all, but enough enjoy it as to where it could be a crucial strategical point in a players ideal game (This is only an example, please do not go off-topic and rant about my TB v3 hate). Another strategical element would be the inclusion of build-times or fortification-times. Overall, the mental stimulus of playing the game seems overshadowed by the Fast-Pace/Kill-Kill nature, or "Fury" method, where you may spam a number of units to achieve your goals, rather than think clearly about your goal and how to achieve it.

On to the "Fun" aspect, I of course speak of the enjoyment a player receives while playing the game. I commonly think of three factors the determine how "fun" a game is: Options, Randomness, and Humor. Currently, Afterwind excels in Humor, the Community provides it. However, I feel the game could be more random, but in a good light. Natural disasters and Population casualties would definitely give this field a boost, I'm actually starting to giggle typing this, thinking of the outcome of a Tidal Wave (Example) or a Pandemic happening to one of my friends while playing (Which would lead to a very hilarious conversation afterwards; Fun). Now, as for Options, I of course mean Gametypes and other editable factors. Playing a good ol' game of Conquest (Capture the Country) is always a good way for some "Classic" gameplay, but as Afterwind is now in it's technical third year of work, I think some new Gametypes would be greatly appreciated. I've made a thread on this before, but it may have been too radical for others in the past. I know I use Halo as a comparison far too much, but I greatly admire it's system of play that can be applied to almost anything: a File Share of sorts could be added onto a players in-game profile, showing different Scenarios/Gametypes made by the player or others that could be used/downloaded/whatever in their own matches, save to their own profile. This would be a solution to the "More Gametypes" argument, as now players could make their own, instead of putting the burden on the Admins. Very popular gametypes that have balanced stats and gameplay could be added to the main list if enough players vote or whatever for it. Overall, Afterwind has a score of 6/10 in the "fun" aspect, the gameplay is very stale after a while, but enjoyable in sips. The Randomness "was" already plan, but no word has been spoken of it. Rare units contribute to it, but nobody ever seems to use them anymore.

"Incentive". My my, am I really going to rant about this aspect again? I shall! As my opinion still stands on it: There is hardly any. Rank means literally nothing to most players it seems (On the forums at least, wink-wink), so SP isn't really a reason to play. Currently, the fun factor is the only incentive, and even this deteriorates fora more average audience. What to do to help give the game more reasons to play? Well, the fun factor greatly affects Incentive, but other methods can be used to achieve a more addicting game. Giving the rank a more rewarding structure, and an overhaul of it's aspects is a start, but adding other in-game content, such as emblems, name-tags, backgrounds/skins etc would give many players reason to use SP. Would you rather spend your money on "Lucky Marines", or a name-tag that says "Cunt Destroyer"? (I'm putting $100 down now, betting that some skill or 24/7-based player will say option A, but most casual or average players would like some extent of personal or possibly public vanity). I'd give Incentive a 6/10, as I like buying Strategies and Upgrades, but I've had many a conversation with my friends about other uses for SP and other forms of rewards/incentive.

"Lust"! Oh god, this is the factor that makes me nerdgasm every time I pick up an Elder Scrolls game! We've all played one, most likely Oblivion or Skyrim, and what gets you playing the most? The striking visuals? The Chaotic Magic? or the Divine Enemies that populate Tamriel? Well, what is Afterwind's analogs to these factors? Striking visuals = The Gray Loading screen? Magic = The Stock images? Monsters = Pinheiro when he's kicking everyone's ass? I really can't think of any! I never think about playing Afterwind because it strikes me as "Amazing" or "Immense", I think about playing Afterwind to talk or to RP/post, which I can do just about everywhere else on The Tubes. I suggest more in-game art based on the Website's art, more "shiny/moving things" (Humans love this shit), Images, and Music/Sounds. The Art should be easy, as the websites main image is a masterpiece. Animations of the Soldier-Silhouettes would be amazing. Shiny/Moving things refers to things people can mess with (Like settings, units, etc), and how everything is "drawn" or "built". For instance, a Gradient/Faded border appeals to most much more than a Bold border. Clean cuts and stylish/modern font helps immensely in this field. As for Images, I'm not sure what could be done here. I always thought 3D models of the units in the City/Production screen would be orgasmic, but I'm not sure how they would work (Hover/pop-up box?). Rank images could use some tuning, as in more clean-cut and animated ones (EX: You rank up to rank 1, and the rank pounds into the screen/makes a smashing sound effects, and shimmers with a light beam across). As for Music, the current soundtrack is amazing, but if there were different songs for different gametypes and phases of a match, it would make the atmosphere that much more amazing. I'd give Lust a 5/10, some of my personal factors, like watching people RP and posting on the forums make me want to come here, but not everyone is like that.

Finally, "[/]Experience[/b]". What I mean here, is the overall impression and memories I have of Afterwind. Some games give me amazing memories, some horrible ones. The Admins can't really do anything in this category without altering the other five, but the Community can. I'm not sure how you would make a better game experience, but just making friends and having a good time is a great start. I used to see too many players just arguing or bragging, and not enough friendly and fun play. I don't mean "Let's be super nice and fair : )", I mean having conversation and randomness come into play. Again, with the Halo, but for anyone who has ever played, you know that the moment your friend accidentally fell off the cliff was the highlight of the match. In Afterwind, the highlight is who causes the most drama (Hypocrite alert!!!). So, to help this category out, just try and argue less, and overall be friendly with your fellow users. Also, stop with the lame comebacks (I AM GREAT TURK/AMERICAN/SERB, I CRUSH YOUR MOTHERS VAGINA!!!11one), it only makes most Mods want to play the drinking game to see their BAC goes over 0.10 in five minutes. For Experience, I'd give it a 4/10.

Overall, I'd personally give Afterwind a 7/10, or a C-. It definitely needs improvements in all fields, but gives it's own personal radiance that attracts players, but it could shine a lot brighter. Also, I have not played since April/May, so a few of my views may be outdated. Please politely correct me if anything seems wrong, but do not push your own personal agenda onto my thread (EX: "It's only Americans causing trouble" "Everything is perfectly fine in Afterwind!" "Everyone on Earth loves this game!". Thank you for reading guys
29.06.2012 - 08:53
A very interesting read, you sound like a game critic (Not a bad thing). I'll have to agree with your reasons for most people playing games, my most important points are strategy, fun, and lust. With strategy, I LOVE THE NEW TB UPDATE!!! (Kidding, let's not start that, haha) I'm satisfied with the strategy level as it is: when I want an easy game that I don't have to think about, I choose SM. When I want strategy, anything else. Or just a more thought out SM. As the game is continuously evolving, new features will certainly come into play that up the strategy level and make it more interesting. Pop casualties! Cargo ships! More diplomacy! Another TB update! This game is sure as hell more complicated than Stratego or Risk, some of my favourites, so I think we're good.

When it comes to fun, the multiplayer aspect and the "conquer the world" genre do it for me. I don't really like the idea of introducing more randomness, especially negative. The rares bug me already; it's horrible when my opponent randomly finds 10 merc legions or 5 heavies, and it feels bad to know that I've won because I rushed him with 10 partisans. I think negative random events would make it worse. Perhaps random stuff that doesn't affect games too much, but are just for kicks? Renaming units, events that alter income, stuff that brings in minute amounts of cash, (You founded Microsoft! 400 gold. You founded APPLE!!! 30000 gold!) With options, I totally agree, I've seen your thread before somewhere. Spicing up the game wouldn't hurt anything.

I have commitment issues with most games, but Afterwind has somehow managed to hold me in for half a year. Incentive for me is just to get good, win, and make friends, all of which I do often. Lust is great, but I'd prefer the devs to update strategy rather than visuals. If they have the time, of course, more explosions and sound effects would be cool. I got bored with the music a long time ago, one reason Civ4 is great in this aspect is the tons and tons of soundtracks for each stage of the game. Experience? Meh, the Internet will be the Internet. You really can't change how others act unless you get stricter mods (no fun) or more mods (unfeasible). Only the Americans are causing trouble though, there are NEVER any trolls and jerks outside of it. Ban all Americans! (Don't, I don't want to be banned)

Overall, I'd say 8/10, good game, great game for a browser, but retail games beat it in various aspects. B+. I don't think 7/10 is a C-, in that case, 1/10 to 5/10 would all be F. Harsh, haha.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
29.06.2012 - 13:35
More "shiny/moving things" (Humans love this shit)

watch out guys, we got an alien over here. (no offense, )

But for the overall post, I'd say that I agree with pretty much everything. What we really need is some more developers so updates can be sent out faster. If I knew a lot more about the Silverlight scripting language, I'd totally volunteer to help with the game.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~

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