sonuç bulundu: 3403
06.09.2013 - Problem coalition
Lol that was fast Vril
ok i will delete the post altogether, just tell me please why is it wrong to "out" bullies in the open so people can know.They need to be responsible for their actions.And they are not breaking the rules so..its like sexual offenders where the police notifies the neighbourhood.
06.09.2013 - Problem coalition
Yes i am a common forum user and even more common at playing the game.Thats my way of solving things and helping out the community.Always giving the truth out in the open so we can work it out between us.No need to call the police all the time,mods have better things to do..
06.09.2013 - Problem coalition
I recently got alot of complaints from lower rank friends of mine from my clan and previous clans about members of *.I was told they were insulting,spamming their languange allyfagging, backstabing and generally acting like a gang lol.I was called in games and even witnessed 2 backstabing my self.This was by players ***,supported by * and *.I take it very personal to protect lower rank players who want to enjoy the game from asholes like these. * i like and respect you but you need to take care of this, these guys give you all a bad name.

* removed by VRIL
No pillory, please.
How can it be anything else than allyfaging?the only thing that bothered me in the game.I never did that so they always did it on me and mostly high ranks.Thunder knows how many noob higher rank allyfags we made cry together when we were rank 5
this nightmare is getting real again whenever i play an alt.if i show you pictures of ranks 8 allyfaging against low rank u gonna throw up!half of atwar is on my shitlist for being bad to alts
otherwise game was and is pretty awesome.
04.09.2013 - Rome 2 total war
Tarafından yazıldı ZeroUno, 04.09.2013 at 10:50

Tarafından yazıldı Khal.eesi, 03.09.2013 at 20:17

Tarafından yazıldı nonames, 03.09.2013 at 11:54

Tarafından yazıldı Khal.eesi, 03.09.2013 at 10:45

Mfw im never paying for this.So send me a copy or stop showing it the fuck off!

Get a job.

Oh wait greece has no jobs. My bad.

no jobs here now yeah :/ planning to moove to london to get some of yours soon.I might get some of your women while am at it (hide your gf)

Stop trashtalking we know u are gay.
And yes, be carefull guys. Hide your dads.

haha we trained you to play better atwar,maybe we should have trained you to be funnier
03.09.2013 - Rome 2 total war
Tarafından yazıldı nonames, 03.09.2013 at 11:54

Tarafından yazıldı Khal.eesi, 03.09.2013 at 10:45

Mfw im never paying for this.So send me a copy or stop showing it the fuck off!

Get a job.

Oh wait greece has no jobs. My bad.

no jobs here now yeah :/ planning to moove to london to get some of yours soon.I might get some of your women while am at it (hide your gf)
03.09.2013 - Rome 2 total war
Mfw im never paying for this.So send me a copy or stop showing it the fuck off!
01.09.2013 - Pure King Tournament
Tesla is surely the best tourney creator.just saying
01.09.2013 - Elite Comrades
Ok you need to have the following skills to join this clan:

-know to wallglitch and serbian rewalling
-know to farm sp
-know to farm other clans for cw victories
-can act occasionally like an ashole to others

hope this help
31.08.2013 - 187 vs Elite Comrades
All 3 of them are offline
31.08.2013 - 187 vs Elite Comrades
Tarafından yazıldı E.A.B, 31.08.2013 at 08:39

Hahah cool thunder , you are so funny , you trying to troll me or insult me to make me mad but i don't care about coward people like you , you saying that it's unfair if i play ? is the 9 of your CWs were fair ? you saying the comrade is a wall glitcher , but you are wall glitcher also lol !
.187. you guys are really suck , you can't win a fair match aganist strong players .....

i didnt want to interfere but you are clearly mad
1.our cws are just fine we keep a log of all the setups, we can post if you like.
2.the 2v2 cw between us was also pretty fair i you disagree?
3.thunder has never wallglitched lol
31.08.2013 - Wake up call
Lol making andartes a mod is like letting terminal babysit your 12 year old hot daughter.Bad idea
31.08.2013 - 187 vs Elite Comrades
Bonker is a troll
28.08.2013 - SP Fetish
Whats up with all the sp craving?I see multiple threads and topics with suggestions and/or whining.Give more sp for that,give more sp for the other or take away sp for this or the other.
Please help me understand cause i might be stupid afterall.My faith in humanity is getting lost with each day.Why you want more and more sp?What will you do with it?Theres only so much upgrades you can have.And even if you get all the upgrades (im caped at this point i dont need anything else) this will mean you will be a higher rank than your skill and you will probabely suck for your rank.We are full or rank 8 noobs cause of this.
28.08.2013 - Clan War System 2013
Tarafından yazıldı Ivan, 28.08.2013 at 02:25

Tarafından yazıldı Desu, 27.08.2013 at 16:03

- Season limit changed from 10 maximum, to 25 coalition wars minimum
- To create a good sample, you need the full 25 CWs to be ranked
- You can still have more coalition wars to increase ranking/percentage after the 25 are done

This will result in only 1-2 Coalitions in the final ranking. Most Coalitions are too casual play 25 CWs per season. Look at how many reached even 10 games - last season it was only 2 Coalitions.

Alıntı yap:

- Win percentage out of total games per season used as marker, not competence.

This will just force coalitions to pick easy targets and avoid coalitions with established winning reputation. Current system rewards challenge, for both sides - since a more powerful coalition always results in more points. In the proposed system fighting top coalitions will be too risky - and why bother when defeating newbies will get you the same result? Top coalitions will really struggle to get the required 25 games.

Alıntı yap:

You have a full 4 days, I can only hope changes are made.

We're certainly not making any changes in a rush now, when there are so many unintended consequences to consider.

I fully support cw games to be atleast 15.At least 15. 10 is not barely enough.Listen please,when you have 10 cw's to play total,after you play your first 5 ,you kind of start planning your cw's because you have so few left.Imagine how much great games we are missing.If we would raise the numbers of cw's we would see cw's every day,people would have motivation to train,to improove etc.Its a way to make the competitive scene bigger and better.Also like madara said after most clans play their 10 they loose interest pretty much.
And to clans that cant make 10 games,seriously Ivan why do you think "casual" clans have or should have anything to do in the competitive scene?Clans that cant make 10 cw's in a season dont deserve to be in the listings anyway.
I hope i dont sound too cocky,but people who play competitive are the backbone of this game so i think a satisfactory change in cw system should be priority.
26.08.2013 - Pure King Tournament

criticals strong gg!
26.08.2013 - Pure King Tournament

26.08.2013 - WALLGLITCHING
Bump for justice
26.08.2013 - This needs to stop
Tarafından yazıldı b0nker2, 26.08.2013 at 06:05

I mean, new player plays Europe map or 3v3 1v1 gets hammered, hardly enticing to keep playing, if they want to learn they will do as quite a few new guys are, watch play and try to understand. Also Bert, I understand your press for more people to play 3v3 and 1v1 but I don't feel you are in a great position to comment on UN games having never seriously tried them <3

i tried it

Tarafından yazıldı Khal.eesi, 06.08.2013 at 13:41

Ok this post motivated me to give UN another chance so i said what the hell if bonker can do it i can too
after a failed attempt to play one months ago i played again a couple of days ago with an openmind that is.There goes 2 hours of my life i am never getting back..
After 2 hours and millions of attempts on my part to fight i just couldnt.whatever i would do and say Un's werent allowing me to fight anyone LOL
so after 2 hours just staying there like an idiot looking at the ceiling my only option was going rogue.
so it is prroven now that UN is indeed the equivalent of religion irl.Destroys the youth and limits the possibilitties of the individual!

proud UN hater
25.08.2013 - This needs to stop
Tarafından yazıldı Dr Lecter, 25.08.2013 at 03:09

Tarafından yazıldı Khal.eesi, 25.08.2013 at 02:50

Ok as much as i hate UN the truth is noone can force people to play something.does un games promote noobness?hell yes.but its their choice if they want to play it,anything more is fascism.its like gay sex.If someone likes it who is anyone to tell them what they should like.bottom line is while i think un's promote noobness,if thats what people like i have no right to force them play something else they dont like.
and a question like seriously who cares about sp?and why?


fuck all reason and the community in general.

In 2 years when the community literally dead, I'm going to laugh maniacally while playing risk.

hehe man thats exactly what fascism is and how it works.It starts taking people's liberties away for the "general good".
25.08.2013 - This needs to stop
Ok as much as i hate UN the truth is noone can force people to play something.does un games promote noobness?hell yes.but its their choice if they want to play it,anything more is fascism.its like gay sex.If someone likes it who is anyone to tell them what they should like.bottom line is while i think un's promote noobness,if thats what people like i have no right to force them play something else they dont like.
and a question like seriously who cares about sp?and why?
24.08.2013 - WALLGLITCHING
I also think at the very least wallglitchers should be called faggots
24.08.2013 - WALLGLITCHING
Thanks for the replies guys.
i dont have a problem either way but i want to know what is the case cause this changes the is not "easily"
prevented because on turn 2 i dont have free bombers to throw around,even 1 more bomber hurts.
24.08.2013 - WALLGLITCHING
Its really strange to me that aw as a community cant agree on some rules.some use it some dont.i personally dont.sometimes its used in cw or tournaments and i would like to see aw, reach a conclusion about this.Is it allowed or not?
(dont dare ignore this! im gonna keep bumping twice a day
23.08.2013 - Color Picks.
22.08.2013 - Pure King Tournament
Ok bertank is having some problems with his pc and he might not be able to compete, we have talked in pm.I have no problem to wait for him,so i guess its up to you tesla
21.08.2013 - You're Welcome
Lol thanks guys for helping me be more autistic
20.08.2013 - You're Welcome
Fu terminal.seriously just fu.always with the chinese kiddy songs you give me they stuck to me for hours even days.and then i hate my self.
20.08.2013 - 187 vs Elite Comrades
That would be an awesome match!
In ww2 every country gets different reinforcements its not like other maps.Ask a higher rank to tell you exactly what the role of each country is because every country has to do something specific.and dont be so negative you have to play more to understand better.

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